Fractale is an anime series based around a futuristic era where most people are dependent on a system called "Fractale." They don't interact with one another physically much and send their dopples (virtual selves) to contact others.
The story follows Clain (voiced by the same girl who voiced Nina (FMA), Holo (Spice & Wolf), and Juliet (Romeo x Juliet)) who saves a girl who is being chased by a group of Team Rocket-esqu idiots. The girl's name is Phryne (pronounced "Fren") (voiced by the same girl who voiced Winry (FMA), and Harhui (OHSHC)) initially I didn't like her, then I kind of did, the she went all ‘I don't deserve love, blah blah blah' which I hate.
So Clain takes Phryne back to his house and doctors her injures. They share some dialogue and then go to sleep. When Clain wakes up, Phryne is gone and has left a brooch encrypted with data on it. Like any normal person with any amount of curiosity, Clain examines the data and out comes a dopple girl named Nessa.
Nessa can interact with both the technological world and the human world. This is strange because dopples can only interact with other dopples, usually. Initially Clain is annoyed by Nessa, who has the apperance and mentality of ten-year-old kid. Then he comes to see her as more of a family that his family, who he only knows through their dopples and an old projector that had some home videos on it.
Team Rocket then appear again and taked Clain and Nessa hostage. Follow a long time of us getting to know the faction that they work for. Lost Millennium or LM is a resistance group working against Fractale that wants to destroy it. The thing is that the anime never takes a side in who is right, Fractale or LM. They find Phryne again and Clain and she become close.
There is and episode where they show an old guy with a camera. Clain goes to find him, and Phryne follows. Phryne finds a bunch of photographs in the house and discovers that the dude is Clain's father. Clain never discovers this or if he does, it is shown off-screen. This kind of bugs me because they have a set-up for some emotional scene, father and son coming together over their love of "junk." And they never went anywhere with it. They just let it hang. Even more annoying is the fact that the guy was sick and we have no idea whether or not he survived. I really dislike plot threads just left hanging like that.
That is about as far as I can take it without spoiling stuff and my half-assed explanaiption of the crazyness that goes down in this anime would be awful, so just watch it yourself.
Clain was a good character. He got called a pervert as a running gag. They took it way too far for my tastes. Of course I just dislike guys getting called pervs when they don't deserve it.
Phryne was annoying.
Nessa was cute.
The others were alright but not worth mentioning.
The ending was weridly bittersweet, they could have had a good ending for Clain, Phryne, and Nessa. They also could have had a really bad ending for them. But they went with this kind of in-between whishy-washy ending that didn't sit well with me.
So all in all what did I think? Not nearly as good as it was made out to be. It was good, I enjoyed it, btu it was nowhere near what the reviewer ShadowACS made it out to be. I will give it the fact that the animation isgorgeous.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
When the Hell did we travel to another dimenision?
So the Cowboys won (the first indication that all is not right) and then my father said that it made them tied for first place. It's a good thing, I <3 the Cowboys, but srsly WTF?
And I'm watching Portal. The main character is a girl. I don't even know anymore. Most people probably know that, but whatever. Hey, if there are still people who think Samus is a guy then there are probably people who think Chell is a guy. And the person playing Portal 2 is a complete idiot. He can't figure out shit. I keep telling him things but he just won't listen.
Most of the stuff he cannot figure out I figured out, like, five minutes ago. I kind of want to shake him.
Hmm, well I guess there really isn't much else.
Peace love and all that jazz
And I'm watching Portal. The main character is a girl. I don't even know anymore. Most people probably know that, but whatever. Hey, if there are still people who think Samus is a guy then there are probably people who think Chell is a guy. And the person playing Portal 2 is a complete idiot. He can't figure out shit. I keep telling him things but he just won't listen.
Most of the stuff he cannot figure out I figured out, like, five minutes ago. I kind of want to shake him.
Hmm, well I guess there really isn't much else.
Peace love and all that jazz
Friday, December 14, 2012
You know it's getting crazy when the TEENAGER leaves
The company christmas party is tonight. Like, right now. And I can hear it. It's really very loud. I stayed until they started threatning to TP the neighbor's house. Funny how immature adults can be after some beer and a few shots. And how hot a room can become.
All I wanted was to come home and watchAvatar or Pychonauts. Instead I had the great pleasure of getting food for twenty adults that work for my father. Joy.
Adults are loud when they're drunk.
The company christmas party is horrible. Everybody smokes and then stand next to me, who is very allergic to cigarette smoke. Joy again.
Every line in Psychonauts is quotable. Just sayn'. The same with Avatar. I found a new series of games called Touhou. They are entertaining, I guess. Mostly because the LPer has a sexy accent. ;)
I sound like a girl, ew. Some chick was talking bout me behind my back. But, I thought the whole point of talking about someone was to spread untruths and thus ruin their reputation. So the whole thing only works if the subject of said untruths has a good rep to ruin. I do not.
Also every thing that was said was totally true. So what was the purpose? They said that I was a nerd (is that supposed to be insulting?) and that I only got to school so early because I'm in band (well I do want to pass band). People are weird.
Also I was all by myself eating the crapy wieght watchers pie instead of the sopipilla cheesecake. Even my weight-obsessed mother ate the damn cheesecake. WTF? I hate people.
But I do like music. And Papa's Freezeria. Together they make one kick-ass time-waisting combo.
Peace love and all that jazz
All I wanted was to come home and watchAvatar or Pychonauts. Instead I had the great pleasure of getting food for twenty adults that work for my father. Joy.
Adults are loud when they're drunk.
The company christmas party is horrible. Everybody smokes and then stand next to me, who is very allergic to cigarette smoke. Joy again.
Every line in Psychonauts is quotable. Just sayn'. The same with Avatar. I found a new series of games called Touhou. They are entertaining, I guess. Mostly because the LPer has a sexy accent. ;)
I sound like a girl, ew. Some chick was talking bout me behind my back. But, I thought the whole point of talking about someone was to spread untruths and thus ruin their reputation. So the whole thing only works if the subject of said untruths has a good rep to ruin. I do not.
Also every thing that was said was totally true. So what was the purpose? They said that I was a nerd (is that supposed to be insulting?) and that I only got to school so early because I'm in band (well I do want to pass band). People are weird.
Also I was all by myself eating the crapy wieght watchers pie instead of the sopipilla cheesecake. Even my weight-obsessed mother ate the damn cheesecake. WTF? I hate people.
But I do like music. And Papa's Freezeria. Together they make one kick-ass time-waisting combo.
Peace love and all that jazz
Sunday, November 25, 2012
A dangerous habit. I know.
So I was watching the DaVinchi code and it got me thinking. I recently watched an anime called Chrono Crusade, and it was about exorcist nuns with guns fighting demons in the 1920s. Anyways the story focused on Rosette, who is the reincarnation of Mary Magdlin. According to the theory in the aforementioned movie, Mary Magdlin was the wife of Jesus Christ.
In the anime, Rosette was in love with Crono, a demon who was bonded to her life force. So that would make Crono Jesus? And Jesus would be a demon. WTF? This is why mixing fandoms gets me into much trouble.
And another question, if in commonly accepted theory, why would there be a part of the Catholic church named after a prostitute?
And, yes, I know that they changed who Mary was in the anime. They did not use the biblical Mary.
But still.
Peace love and all that jazz
P.S. bonus cookies if you get where the title is from. Hint: Disney.
In the anime, Rosette was in love with Crono, a demon who was bonded to her life force. So that would make Crono Jesus? And Jesus would be a demon. WTF? This is why mixing fandoms gets me into much trouble.
And another question, if in commonly accepted theory, why would there be a part of the Catholic church named after a prostitute?
And, yes, I know that they changed who Mary was in the anime. They did not use the biblical Mary.
But still.
Peace love and all that jazz
P.S. bonus cookies if you get where the title is from. Hint: Disney.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Can I punch the writers now?
I'm watching an anime and all of a sudden half the cast gets replaced. I really fucking hate it when this happens. And it just did.
I was watching Shugo Chara and two of the more likeable characters just up and get replaced. WTF? And they get replaced with total fucking jackasses who are just asking to get bitch slapped.
It dosen't help that they are also trying to push the main character into becoming obsolete. I mean one of the jackasses can do exactly the same thing as the main character, only she destroyes the bad things instead of puryfing them. Her basis is that it dosen't belp so I don't have to. Huh? Dosen't do any good? So now it dosen't do any good to purify domeones dreams and send them back to their owners? What anime universe did you grow up in, you complete and utter bitch? Needless to say, I fucking hate her. She is the one I really want to slap.
She probably grew up in Higurashi.
So, I figured out some books I want for christmas.
The final Maximum Ride book- Nevermore
The final matched book- Reached
The new House of Night book- Hidden
And the new heros of olympus book- Mark of Athena
Also the Harhui Suzumia books- only seven have been released in english and the next is scheduled for english release in Sept. 2013 and are only avalible online.
So I'm about ready to give up on Shugo Chara and switch completly to 11eyes. Should I? The magical girl type dosen't really do it for me, apperently.
Ah, the problems of a teenage nerd.
Peae love and all that jazz
I was watching Shugo Chara and two of the more likeable characters just up and get replaced. WTF? And they get replaced with total fucking jackasses who are just asking to get bitch slapped.
It dosen't help that they are also trying to push the main character into becoming obsolete. I mean one of the jackasses can do exactly the same thing as the main character, only she destroyes the bad things instead of puryfing them. Her basis is that it dosen't belp so I don't have to. Huh? Dosen't do any good? So now it dosen't do any good to purify domeones dreams and send them back to their owners? What anime universe did you grow up in, you complete and utter bitch? Needless to say, I fucking hate her. She is the one I really want to slap.
She probably grew up in Higurashi.
So, I figured out some books I want for christmas.
The final Maximum Ride book- Nevermore
The final matched book- Reached
The new House of Night book- Hidden
And the new heros of olympus book- Mark of Athena
Also the Harhui Suzumia books- only seven have been released in english and the next is scheduled for english release in Sept. 2013 and are only avalible online.
So I'm about ready to give up on Shugo Chara and switch completly to 11eyes. Should I? The magical girl type dosen't really do it for me, apperently.
Ah, the problems of a teenage nerd.
Peae love and all that jazz
Thursday, November 22, 2012
I don't know what to do!!!!
So, I'm kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place. I've got this guy, he asked me to prom last year and I turned him down. He's my friend and nothing more. But I think he's going to ask me out. And I'm not sure what to do, I mean I really am not looking for somebody and he's like two years older than me. (not that that matters in real life) he is also the only person besides Monkeygirl that I can talk to about Doctor Who. I just don't like him like that, but I don't want to hurt him. He is my friend and I'm really a bleeding heart. Bluuughug, I sound like a typical teenage girl, it's sickening. If anybody has an idea that might work, please, please, please tell me.
Peace love and all that jazz
Peace love and all that jazz
Sunday, November 11, 2012
epic awesomeness!
My bff, monkeygirl and I just finished the YuGiOh bonds beyond time movie. and it was awesome! completly kickass!
Some jerk from the future steals Yuesi's stardust dragon among others. He then goes back in time to prevent duel monsters from having been created by killing the creator. Yusei, aided by the crimson dragon, goes back in time and picks up Jaden and Yugi. They then proceed to kick the guys ass.
peace, love and all that jazz
Some jerk from the future steals Yuesi's stardust dragon among others. He then goes back in time to prevent duel monsters from having been created by killing the creator. Yusei, aided by the crimson dragon, goes back in time and picks up Jaden and Yugi. They then proceed to kick the guys ass.
peace, love and all that jazz
Friday, November 2, 2012
Yes, I have the flu. Not the real flu, some cheap, knockoff flu that still makes me feel like shit. I guess it gives me time to catch up on anime. Or video games, that too. Yep, I'm back to video games. Oh Lord.
So I'm probably not actually going to quit band.
And the world is not going to asplode because of our marching show. No matter how much you think it should.
Is it wrong of me to think that God might have given up on planet Earth? Like, there could be thousands of planets out there with life that He started and then became so corrupted He just moved no to te next. Sometimes I think that.
I don't have much to say besides that.
Peace love and all that jazz
So I'm probably not actually going to quit band.
And the world is not going to asplode because of our marching show. No matter how much you think it should.
Is it wrong of me to think that God might have given up on planet Earth? Like, there could be thousands of planets out there with life that He started and then became so corrupted He just moved no to te next. Sometimes I think that.
I don't have much to say besides that.
Peace love and all that jazz
Monday, October 29, 2012
Stupidity, it's so f**king annoying.
I got my drivers lisence, yaaaay. I can only go back and forth to school with it.
I got a car, it's awesome.
The first day I got to drive by myself, it rained. Then we had to play three songs over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Then our teacer graded our tests wrong in physics. Then this game started to annoy the crap out of me. Then I got three different stories about where to park my car. Then I was carrying about a million things and idiots who were blocking the ENTIRE FUCKING HALLWAY claiming to be "in line" wouldn't move out of the way for ten seconds so that I could move to put my crap down.
My halloween costume is another kettle of fish entirely. I'm going to be a greecian woodland nymph. I tell people that and they are all like "isn't that bad?" I'm like "what is so bad about a spirit of the forest?" I'm not going to be a fucking nympho for halloween! God, people need to get some damn culture. And I want very much to go back in time and strangle whomever created that slang word for something awful out of a graceful spirit of greek myth. Only three people I told understood what I meant when I told them; monkeygirl, mom, and thebomb.
I don't think I've mentioned thebomb yet. Well, allow me to explain mu recent beef with her. She keeps talking about how her and Elmo are going to have this special salute and this and that and the other if they get drum major. They say it like they are special and the only ones who could do that salute and stuff. With me right in the room, also their friend, also trying for DM, feeling totally left out. I also felt left out when the only friend Thebomb thought would enjoy going to see a play was Elmo. Seroiusly? I was standing right next to her! Maybe I should just quit band...
I mean it's not like people respect me or appreceate my presence there. Most of the time they either ignore me or backtalk me. Nobody EVER backtalks Elmo even though we are the same age andin the same section and I have just as much authority as she does. Another thing about Elmo. She said to one of the other trumpets that next year the section would be theirs if she got DM. Excuse me? I'm still here, and I still have seniority. If I don't get DM and there is a calculus class that I need for my math credits during first period, I'm gonna quit.
I hate people. There is a small list of people I like and a smaller list of people I can be in the same room with without wanting to kill them.
Peace love and all that jazz
P.S. why are animated characters so much better that real people?
I got a car, it's awesome.
The first day I got to drive by myself, it rained. Then we had to play three songs over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Then our teacer graded our tests wrong in physics. Then this game started to annoy the crap out of me. Then I got three different stories about where to park my car. Then I was carrying about a million things and idiots who were blocking the ENTIRE FUCKING HALLWAY claiming to be "in line" wouldn't move out of the way for ten seconds so that I could move to put my crap down.
My halloween costume is another kettle of fish entirely. I'm going to be a greecian woodland nymph. I tell people that and they are all like "isn't that bad?" I'm like "what is so bad about a spirit of the forest?" I'm not going to be a fucking nympho for halloween! God, people need to get some damn culture. And I want very much to go back in time and strangle whomever created that slang word for something awful out of a graceful spirit of greek myth. Only three people I told understood what I meant when I told them; monkeygirl, mom, and thebomb.
I don't think I've mentioned thebomb yet. Well, allow me to explain mu recent beef with her. She keeps talking about how her and Elmo are going to have this special salute and this and that and the other if they get drum major. They say it like they are special and the only ones who could do that salute and stuff. With me right in the room, also their friend, also trying for DM, feeling totally left out. I also felt left out when the only friend Thebomb thought would enjoy going to see a play was Elmo. Seroiusly? I was standing right next to her! Maybe I should just quit band...
I mean it's not like people respect me or appreceate my presence there. Most of the time they either ignore me or backtalk me. Nobody EVER backtalks Elmo even though we are the same age andin the same section and I have just as much authority as she does. Another thing about Elmo. She said to one of the other trumpets that next year the section would be theirs if she got DM. Excuse me? I'm still here, and I still have seniority. If I don't get DM and there is a calculus class that I need for my math credits during first period, I'm gonna quit.
I hate people. There is a small list of people I like and a smaller list of people I can be in the same room with without wanting to kill them.
Peace love and all that jazz
P.S. why are animated characters so much better that real people?
Sunday, October 21, 2012
They need to get lives. Seriously, I'm going through youtube listening to Nickleback (because they are amazing and awesome and I hope the main singers cancer gets better) and I star to scroll through the comment section.
The first thing I see is "I hate him and his songs, I hope cancer kills him" my reply was that he really needs to do something useful with his time(meaning the commenter). Anyhoo, if you don't like a video that somebody put up or some song just find another video to watch, I swear to God it won't kill you. I have done it before, and it does not even maim, it really doesn't even hurt at all. Watching something you hate says something very negative about your intelligence level and judgement skills. I hate Justin Bieber with a fiery passion, that doesn't give me the right to go and look at all of his videos and post negative things about him.
While we're on the subject of haters, there was an article in the newspaper the other day that really seemed...for lack of a better word...retarded. It was about how Halloween decorations can leave a negative effect of children and blah, blah, etc, etc. there was one quote that really struck me as stupid (it was from a former marine which I found weird) "What are the children riding their bikes to school going to think about these decorations." My response was that they are thinking that it's almost time to go and get free candy. They don't give a rat's ass that the decorations are a bit spooky, they just want candy. Or at least that's how it was for me. And that I got to dress up, I loved dressing up. (Still do). But this is coming from someone whose favorite show is called "Soul Eater" and has people's faces getting torn off like laffy taffy, so perhaps I shouldn't be talking. But I digress, if they had actually bothered to ask the children in question (and not coached them to say what you want) they would say something similar to what I have. I'm still technically a child as I am not 18, your argument is invalid.
Peace love and all that jazz
The first thing I see is "I hate him and his songs, I hope cancer kills him" my reply was that he really needs to do something useful with his time(meaning the commenter). Anyhoo, if you don't like a video that somebody put up or some song just find another video to watch, I swear to God it won't kill you. I have done it before, and it does not even maim, it really doesn't even hurt at all. Watching something you hate says something very negative about your intelligence level and judgement skills. I hate Justin Bieber with a fiery passion, that doesn't give me the right to go and look at all of his videos and post negative things about him.
While we're on the subject of haters, there was an article in the newspaper the other day that really seemed...for lack of a better word...retarded. It was about how Halloween decorations can leave a negative effect of children and blah, blah, etc, etc. there was one quote that really struck me as stupid (it was from a former marine which I found weird) "What are the children riding their bikes to school going to think about these decorations." My response was that they are thinking that it's almost time to go and get free candy. They don't give a rat's ass that the decorations are a bit spooky, they just want candy. Or at least that's how it was for me. And that I got to dress up, I loved dressing up. (Still do). But this is coming from someone whose favorite show is called "Soul Eater" and has people's faces getting torn off like laffy taffy, so perhaps I shouldn't be talking. But I digress, if they had actually bothered to ask the children in question (and not coached them to say what you want) they would say something similar to what I have. I'm still technically a child as I am not 18, your argument is invalid.
Peace love and all that jazz
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Blatent refrences
Today was a vocab test filled with words I've know the meaning of since I was, like, five.
Anyhoo, I was just watching YuGiOh GX and one of the bad guys was obsessed with alchemy monsters. He was also a homonculous himself and had an arm that looked overly familiar to my FMA fangirl self. A oh, so, obvious refrence to Ed? Idk. But possible.
Only thing is I'm not sure when YuGiOh GX (at least this episode) came out. Or when the FMA manga came out to be refrenced. It could just be an uncanny coincidence... I guess....
I should just stop being lazy and look it up. BRB
FMA manga came out in July 2001.
GX came out in 2004 so it is entirely possible.
I'm such a dork.
Peace love and all that jazz
Anyhoo, I was just watching YuGiOh GX and one of the bad guys was obsessed with alchemy monsters. He was also a homonculous himself and had an arm that looked overly familiar to my FMA fangirl self. A oh, so, obvious refrence to Ed? Idk. But possible.
Only thing is I'm not sure when YuGiOh GX (at least this episode) came out. Or when the FMA manga came out to be refrenced. It could just be an uncanny coincidence... I guess....
I should just stop being lazy and look it up. BRB
FMA manga came out in July 2001.
GX came out in 2004 so it is entirely possible.
I'm such a dork.
Peace love and all that jazz
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Band, life, stuff
The marlin marching band has either a KH or just video game marching show. All I know is that I heard "Simple and Clean" being played by their mallets. Again with the pancake feeling.
We are doing pretty well in marching BTW. We're getting all ones.
I got Monkeygirl started on Fullmetal Alchemist. She thinks Ed's height complex is weird, Hues is annoying, Armstrong is annoying, and that Rose is an idiot. I think Ed's height complex is the way I reacted when I was in elementary, Hues is adorable, Armstrong is a stripper, and Rose is an idiot.
I found this somewhere and thought it was great, I embellished it a little.
You say Cullen, I say Elric.
You say Bella, I say Winry.
You say Jasper, I say Alphonse.
You say Alice, I say Mei.
You say Carlisle, I say Hoenhiem.
You say Esme, I say Trisha.
You say Bree Tanner, I say Nina Tucker.(this one I might need to explain, they were both likeable characters who were killed for BS reasons)
You say Charlie, I say Urey.
You say Rene, I say Sara.
Yeah, I just went through and listedvas many characters as I could remember from the one time I read the Twilight series and corresponding FMA/B character.
I thought it was funny okay?
I'm really getting into YuGiOh GX. It's really funny, but if you haven't watched all of the original you miss some stuff. And Monkeygirl keeps spoiling things in the second season. -______________-
That's about it I guess. Oh, I was mistaken about YuGiOh being in the same magazine as SE and FMA. It's in Shonen Jump and the other two are in Shonen Gannen. It's an honest mistake.
Peace love and all that jazz
We are doing pretty well in marching BTW. We're getting all ones.
I got Monkeygirl started on Fullmetal Alchemist. She thinks Ed's height complex is weird, Hues is annoying, Armstrong is annoying, and that Rose is an idiot. I think Ed's height complex is the way I reacted when I was in elementary, Hues is adorable, Armstrong is a stripper, and Rose is an idiot.
I found this somewhere and thought it was great, I embellished it a little.
You say Cullen, I say Elric.
You say Bella, I say Winry.
You say Jasper, I say Alphonse.
You say Alice, I say Mei.
You say Carlisle, I say Hoenhiem.
You say Esme, I say Trisha.
You say Bree Tanner, I say Nina Tucker.(this one I might need to explain, they were both likeable characters who were killed for BS reasons)
You say Charlie, I say Urey.
You say Rene, I say Sara.
Yeah, I just went through and listedvas many characters as I could remember from the one time I read the Twilight series and corresponding FMA/B character.
I thought it was funny okay?
I'm really getting into YuGiOh GX. It's really funny, but if you haven't watched all of the original you miss some stuff. And Monkeygirl keeps spoiling things in the second season. -______________-
That's about it I guess. Oh, I was mistaken about YuGiOh being in the same magazine as SE and FMA. It's in Shonen Jump and the other two are in Shonen Gannen. It's an honest mistake.
Peace love and all that jazz
Sunday, October 7, 2012
You know you're a nerd if...
...You find these freaking hilarious.
This is hilarious, and also true: if a pizza has a radius 'z' and a depth 'a' that pizza's volume can be defined Pi*z*z*a.
Knock knock. Who's there? To. To who? No, no, no. To whom.
As my chemistry teacher always said, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.
Argon walks into a bar. The bartender says, "We don't serve noble gasses here!" Argon doesn't react.
The past, the present, and the future all walk into a bar at the same time. It was tense.!
The rest are here but these were my faves.
Peace love and all that jazz
Friday, October 5, 2012
Death you're doing it wrong!
Because I'm not dead yet, just healing from a minor infection that made me feel like complete shit and caused me too miss a UIL OAP convention. My head itches like hell and I really hope I haven't picked up lice.
Anyhoo. My BFF and I would be perfect college roommates because we freaking share everything. Which came out dirtier than I meant it too. I don't know if I mentioned it but my computer finally bit the big one. Which makes me both relieved and sad. I hated Vista but it was a lot more convenient for watching things.
I discovered that the three animes I obsess over (FMAB, Soul Eater, and Yu-Gi-Oh) all originated in the Shonen Jump manga magazine. I flipped.
Ed, Tamaki, and Spirit all have the same voice actor in english. Flipping again. OHSHC and FMAB have the exact, EXACT, same english voice cast. Flipping is so fun! (I watched them right next to each other) Ed and Natsume have the same japanese voice actress. Yes, actress. Flip, flip, flip.
I feel like a pancake.
American History is hard. College is hard. When can I go back to high school?
Biker Mice from Mars. New obsession. It's kind of addicting and wildly stupid at the same time. Anthropomorphic alien mice on motorcycles that protect the environment? Yeah, it's good.
That's about it I guess.
Peace love and all that jazz,
Anyhoo. My BFF and I would be perfect college roommates because we freaking share everything. Which came out dirtier than I meant it too. I don't know if I mentioned it but my computer finally bit the big one. Which makes me both relieved and sad. I hated Vista but it was a lot more convenient for watching things.
I discovered that the three animes I obsess over (FMAB, Soul Eater, and Yu-Gi-Oh) all originated in the Shonen Jump manga magazine. I flipped.
Ed, Tamaki, and Spirit all have the same voice actor in english. Flipping again. OHSHC and FMAB have the exact, EXACT, same english voice cast. Flipping is so fun! (I watched them right next to each other) Ed and Natsume have the same japanese voice actress. Yes, actress. Flip, flip, flip.
I feel like a pancake.
American History is hard. College is hard. When can I go back to high school?
Biker Mice from Mars. New obsession. It's kind of addicting and wildly stupid at the same time. Anthropomorphic alien mice on motorcycles that protect the environment? Yeah, it's good.
That's about it I guess.
Peace love and all that jazz,
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
I don't understand other people!
I have discovered that guys check me out. I'm not sure how to react to this fact. I mean I knew guys check out girls, but me? What drug are they on? I'm a total nerd. I'm not sure what they be smokin but I know I don't want none of that shit. I heard today that some guy thought I have a tight ass. Oh mother of God, I nearly puked. The guy creeps me out. He always wants a hug. I don't wanna give him a hug, but I digress. I'm so awkard! I like being awkard, it's fine. I am so over trying to not be awkard because it's totally okay. Guys are like another species to me, I don't even know.
My friend said that she lives on the planet anime. I told her I have a home there, on the TARDIS, and here on Earth. I have no idea how I'm going to survive in the real world, like seroiusly, I'm so unequiped it's sad. I wanna stay in my own little fangirl world forever!
Yeah, I'm being angsty. So what? Next year I'm gonna be a senior in high school, I have rights. I don't wanna leave high school, but I do t the same time. I completly hate hs but I don't wat to leave it either. I don't know what I'm going to do. Except come back for every single football game to annoy the directors.
My friend said that she lives on the planet anime. I told her I have a home there, on the TARDIS, and here on Earth. I have no idea how I'm going to survive in the real world, like seroiusly, I'm so unequiped it's sad. I wanna stay in my own little fangirl world forever!
Yeah, I'm being angsty. So what? Next year I'm gonna be a senior in high school, I have rights. I don't wanna leave high school, but I do t the same time. I completly hate hs but I don't wat to leave it either. I don't know what I'm going to do. Except come back for every single football game to annoy the directors.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Well that sucked.
What sucked? The ending of the Fullmetal Alchemist movie, that's what. Yes, ya'll are all used to me fangirling about how amazing FMA is. But right now I'm very frustrated with the ending of the movie. Now Ed and Al are stuck on earth, but at least they're together. I guess. Now I need to watch Brotherhood, that will solve my problems, right? Thye need to go back hoooommmmmmeee, this ending sucks. The movie itself was enjoyable enough. Though there wasn't as much humor as I would have liked, there was enough to have me in fangirl mode right up till the end. The characters were the same and the cannon of the original story wasn't disrupted. It was a solid movie untill the end. I hated the end, Ed went back to the other side and Al followed him, they were both seperated from Winry (my main ship for Ed) their childhood friend and it was horrible. The concept was quite rediculous as well, Edward Elric fighting the Nazis, really? But the overall production was good, they sold the rediculousness. But the ending... Gah, I'm so disgruntled right now. Awful, horrible, maddening ending!
I really didn't mean for this to turn into a somewhat spoilerish review, I promise!
I really didn't mean for this to turn into a somewhat spoilerish review, I promise!
Monday, September 10, 2012
I'm being such a fangirl...
So I recently got waaaay into Fullmetal Alchemist. I'm about 15 episodes from the end and I was planning on finishing today. But as fate would have it, I'm now stuck without a computer. My laptop decided to crash on me and my parents desktop won't get on the internet. I can't use my ipad unless I get the "one week free trial of Hulu Plus" that has moble on it. And I wanna watch Fullmetal Alchemist, so I'm looking at fanart. I'm such a fangirl. God, pleeeeeeese let my computer be magically raised from the dead! I wan to be a fangirl, I want to see what happens to Ed and Al, I want to see if they find their dad and see if Ed punches his light out. I did find some funny stuff on DA for FMA though.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
You just don't, killing good characters is like making apple pie and not putting the fucking apples in it. It makes no sense! Good, well-developed, interesting, funny characters do not just get killed.
If you can't tell, one of my favorite characters from Fullmetal Alchemist just got killed. He was Lutenant Cournel Hues and he was fucking awesome. He had a little girl that he was (Spirit-style) crazy over. He was crazy on the outside but a master stratigest inside, and he just got killed, freaking murdered. I hate the writer for killing him, the guy was cool!
If you can't tell, one of my favorite characters from Fullmetal Alchemist just got killed. He was Lutenant Cournel Hues and he was fucking awesome. He had a little girl that he was (Spirit-style) crazy over. He was crazy on the outside but a master stratigest inside, and he just got killed, freaking murdered. I hate the writer for killing him, the guy was cool!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Labor Pains
Today was labor day (for those of you who live under a rock) a national holiday here in America.
National Holiday - authorized by law and limiting work or official business.
Every. Other. School. Let me repeat, EVERY OTHER SCHOOL was out for Labor Day. But guess whose school if f-ing retarded and decided to make us come to school on today.
You got an answer? If you do, great. If you don't too bad.
If you guesses mine, ding ding ding we have a winner. We went to school today.
I really could have done without. I have a place on my head that makes my brain blow to smithereens every time I touch it, and the awfulness of my day cannot be put into words. I think Chrona's poem is a description of my day today.
How bas was it? Let's just say that finding a dime on the floor was the highlight of my day and leave it at that.
Why do I get no respect? Am I not recognized as a leader because I'm short? That is height discrimination and I will get Ed Elric to come and hurt people if it is that. Is it that I'm not good enough? I that's it, well fuck you broski, I am a fucking Junior, I know more than you do, I have three years to your not-yet-one. Is it because I started to be a leader too late? Well, at least I'm trying.
Is it because I'm a nerd? Fuck you, nerds are awesome.
Is there a t-shirt with "Team Edward" on it and then Ed Elric's picture? If there is, I would buy it in a heartbeat with all of my non-exastant money. If it was a dollar I could buy it!
Peace love and all that jazz
National Holiday - authorized by law and limiting work or official business.
Every. Other. School. Let me repeat, EVERY OTHER SCHOOL was out for Labor Day. But guess whose school if f-ing retarded and decided to make us come to school on today.
You got an answer? If you do, great. If you don't too bad.
If you guesses mine, ding ding ding we have a winner. We went to school today.
I really could have done without. I have a place on my head that makes my brain blow to smithereens every time I touch it, and the awfulness of my day cannot be put into words. I think Chrona's poem is a description of my day today.
How bas was it? Let's just say that finding a dime on the floor was the highlight of my day and leave it at that.
Why do I get no respect? Am I not recognized as a leader because I'm short? That is height discrimination and I will get Ed Elric to come and hurt people if it is that. Is it that I'm not good enough? I that's it, well fuck you broski, I am a fucking Junior, I know more than you do, I have three years to your not-yet-one. Is it because I started to be a leader too late? Well, at least I'm trying.
Is it because I'm a nerd? Fuck you, nerds are awesome.
Is there a t-shirt with "Team Edward" on it and then Ed Elric's picture? If there is, I would buy it in a heartbeat with all of my non-exastant money. If it was a dollar I could buy it!
Peace love and all that jazz
Friday, August 31, 2012
Stupid, cute, and annoying
My version of Microsoft Word. It won't let me put both a header and a page number, it's one or the other. Well my college professor insists upon both. I need to talk to her but we don't meet again until Tuesday. Aah, this college schedule is a big, fat pain in the ass.
Gakuen Alice/Alice Academy; the manga, I haven't watched the anime yet. Natsume is amazing, he is slowly being killed by his power, or Alice. He is being used as a spy for the school he goes to. He is slowly falling in love with the main character, Mikan. He criticized his BFF, Luca/Ruca, about his taste in women, even though they like the same person. I thought that it was funny. He also just kissed Mikan. On the lips. It was freaking adorable. It weirded me out though since he's only 11 and she's still 10 (I think). Not the different ages, the ages themselves. But I guess Raz and Lili aren't any better.
Manga, right now Soul Eater. It hasn't come out yet this month, and I thought it was published monthly. And what is up with the knockoff English version? It's like someone looked up the general description without a picture and read the dialog and decided to draw their own f-ed up version. THe hell?
My Real Fucking Name, IT HAS NO K IN IT. It is not that hard guys.
Peace love and all that jazz
My version of Microsoft Word. It won't let me put both a header and a page number, it's one or the other. Well my college professor insists upon both. I need to talk to her but we don't meet again until Tuesday. Aah, this college schedule is a big, fat pain in the ass.
Gakuen Alice/Alice Academy; the manga, I haven't watched the anime yet. Natsume is amazing, he is slowly being killed by his power, or Alice. He is being used as a spy for the school he goes to. He is slowly falling in love with the main character, Mikan. He criticized his BFF, Luca/Ruca, about his taste in women, even though they like the same person. I thought that it was funny. He also just kissed Mikan. On the lips. It was freaking adorable. It weirded me out though since he's only 11 and she's still 10 (I think). Not the different ages, the ages themselves. But I guess Raz and Lili aren't any better.
Manga, right now Soul Eater. It hasn't come out yet this month, and I thought it was published monthly. And what is up with the knockoff English version? It's like someone looked up the general description without a picture and read the dialog and decided to draw their own f-ed up version. THe hell?
My Real Fucking Name, IT HAS NO K IN IT. It is not that hard guys.
Peace love and all that jazz
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Pulled Over for no Reason
I was not-so-happily going down a dirt road when the bright red truck behind me suddenly decides to become a police car, puts his lights on, and pulls me over.
There was no posted speed limit and there were obstacles obstucting my path of travel so even if I had gone the speed limit it would have been dangerous.
Put simply, I had no f-ing clue why he was pulling me over.
He got out of the car and came over to my window. He asked us what we were doing.
We said that we were doing my driving pratice, which we were, and it had told us to go on many differeny types of road surfaces, which it had.
He informed us that there had been burgularies in the area and wanted to know why we were down there.
Uh-hu suuuuuuurrreeee. Whatever.
So I've already finished the "Haruhi Suzumiya" anime and Kyon (the guy I was talking about in some post) only got better. The anime was great, even though it was a bit weird and my fave pairing, that had so much obvious foreshadowing it physcally hurt, didn't get together. There were also a bunch of loose ends that kind of needed tying up. I heard there was going to be a third season, but I also saw that the title character's actress was fired, so . . . possibly the ends will get tyed up. There is a series of light novels that I kind of want to read now because it goes beyond the anime, even though my pairing still has yet to get together. *heavy dramatic sigh*
So animes I would REALLY not suggest:
Please Teacher (student teacher romance need I say more? Yes? The teacher is half alien and the guy is 18, looks about 12, acts way too mature for a guy of any age and is subject to weird fainting
spells where his body stops all growth and freezes him at whatever age he is)
Rosario + Vampire (blatent fanservice. The girl has more upskirts just standing there like a bimbo than Maka when she is flipping around, running and fighting with a fucking scyth.)
And that's about it.
peace love and all that jazz
There was no posted speed limit and there were obstacles obstucting my path of travel so even if I had gone the speed limit it would have been dangerous.
Put simply, I had no f-ing clue why he was pulling me over.
He got out of the car and came over to my window. He asked us what we were doing.
We said that we were doing my driving pratice, which we were, and it had told us to go on many differeny types of road surfaces, which it had.
He informed us that there had been burgularies in the area and wanted to know why we were down there.
Uh-hu suuuuuuurrreeee. Whatever.
So I've already finished the "Haruhi Suzumiya" anime and Kyon (the guy I was talking about in some post) only got better. The anime was great, even though it was a bit weird and my fave pairing, that had so much obvious foreshadowing it physcally hurt, didn't get together. There were also a bunch of loose ends that kind of needed tying up. I heard there was going to be a third season, but I also saw that the title character's actress was fired, so . . . possibly the ends will get tyed up. There is a series of light novels that I kind of want to read now because it goes beyond the anime, even though my pairing still has yet to get together. *heavy dramatic sigh*
So animes I would REALLY not suggest:
Please Teacher (student teacher romance need I say more? Yes? The teacher is half alien and the guy is 18, looks about 12, acts way too mature for a guy of any age and is subject to weird fainting
spells where his body stops all growth and freezes him at whatever age he is)
Rosario + Vampire (blatent fanservice. The girl has more upskirts just standing there like a bimbo than Maka when she is flipping around, running and fighting with a fucking scyth.)
And that's about it.
peace love and all that jazz
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
So I recently found an anime called "Melancholys of Haruhi Suzumiya" and the male protaginist is amazing. He is the most scarcastic guy in any anime ever!
I can't even spell his name, but he's great. You must watch this anime!
Peace love and all that jazz
I can't even spell his name, but he's great. You must watch this anime!
Peace love and all that jazz
Monday, August 20, 2012
Ok, srsly? I am watching Naruto (shocker!) and got to the episode where Sakura actually does something useful. At the end of the episode Sasuke wakes up semi-possessed. Is it just me of does he look like that one guy from Doctor Who that gets possessed by the devil? I believe the episode was called "The Impossible Planet" and was about this group of people who are on a planet that is orbiting a black hole. It's revealed that the planet has the devil inside of it and one of the men on the expedition gets possessed. They both have little runes all over his skin and red eyes.
Like so.
Similar, no?
Well aside from the face that Saskue is black-haired and dude-man is blond.
I've been putting a lot of pictures in my posts lately, haven't I?
Peace love and all that jazz
Sunday, August 19, 2012
You know you're a nerd if . . .
you know the correct pronunciation of "hyperbole" is "hyper-bow-lee" and it get on your nerves when people say it "hyper-bowl."
Peace love and all that jazz
I haven't done one of these in sooooooooooooo long.
Peace love and all that jazz
I haven't done one of these in sooooooooooooo long.
American Sewing Guild Convention
I went to the ASG convention. This time it was the correct weekend. We had a lecture that the teacher could barely get through because people kept interrupting her. Quiet annoying.
I started "The Shining" it can be described in groups of three words.
Creepy little kid.
Horny ass dude.
Weird, freaky hotel.
Annoying worrywart mother.
Freaking crazy drunk.
I hate this book so much. Every character in it annoys me. It makes me physically ill to read it. I get a stomach ache. Even though I dislike it, I'd probably reccomend it, but not if you dislike having a lot of the f-word.
The hotel we were staying at smelled awful. They must use some kind of expensive, annoying perfume in the vent systems. IT WAS AWFUL!!! The car smelled on the way home and made me sick to my stomach. Today was the best day.
We got to play with paint and dye and glitter and it was so fun. I made so many little pretty things. One looked like a sunset, I was trying for a roaring, all-consuming fire, but I didn't have enough paint. I put a light gold shimmer on it and it looks really good.
We hand-dyes silk and that was fun. I made a really pretty sea-like scene with green, turquoise and teal that I mixed from the two of them. It was a special technique that made the dye run in little lines and I had the best kind in the whole class. Hyperbole!
Even my dog was admired. I don't mean that I had a dog painted or in class. It was the "cleaner" that just used up all the excess paint. I dislike it, but whatever.
The fashion show was painful to watch. There wasn't much I liked and the commentary was very fucked up.
It was fun, despite all the complaining I've done above. I'm just moody because I'm on my period and the cramps are awful.
I have discovered why hotels have those pillows that sink down to the sane level as the bed and you have to use about five of them to get a decent, normal-sized place to put your head. It's to get you to spend money at their spa getting a massage.
I hate those pillows.
It's quite weird to be reading about a creepy hotel while in a hotel.
This inhuman place makes human monsters. This is a really cool quote from "The Shining." "Human monsters" would be a really cool book title. Or fanfiction title. One of the two.
Peace love and all that jazz
I started "The Shining" it can be described in groups of three words.
Creepy little kid.
Horny ass dude.
Weird, freaky hotel.
Annoying worrywart mother.
Freaking crazy drunk.
I hate this book so much. Every character in it annoys me. It makes me physically ill to read it. I get a stomach ache. Even though I dislike it, I'd probably reccomend it, but not if you dislike having a lot of the f-word.
The hotel we were staying at smelled awful. They must use some kind of expensive, annoying perfume in the vent systems. IT WAS AWFUL!!! The car smelled on the way home and made me sick to my stomach. Today was the best day.
We got to play with paint and dye and glitter and it was so fun. I made so many little pretty things. One looked like a sunset, I was trying for a roaring, all-consuming fire, but I didn't have enough paint. I put a light gold shimmer on it and it looks really good.
We hand-dyes silk and that was fun. I made a really pretty sea-like scene with green, turquoise and teal that I mixed from the two of them. It was a special technique that made the dye run in little lines and I had the best kind in the whole class. Hyperbole!
Even my dog was admired. I don't mean that I had a dog painted or in class. It was the "cleaner" that just used up all the excess paint. I dislike it, but whatever.
The fashion show was painful to watch. There wasn't much I liked and the commentary was very fucked up.
It was fun, despite all the complaining I've done above. I'm just moody because I'm on my period and the cramps are awful.
I have discovered why hotels have those pillows that sink down to the sane level as the bed and you have to use about five of them to get a decent, normal-sized place to put your head. It's to get you to spend money at their spa getting a massage.
I hate those pillows.
It's quite weird to be reading about a creepy hotel while in a hotel.
This inhuman place makes human monsters. This is a really cool quote from "The Shining." "Human monsters" would be a really cool book title. Or fanfiction title. One of the two.
Peace love and all that jazz
Thursday, August 16, 2012
I Feel Really Bad
Mom says I have to skip band pratice tomorrow. That sucks, they might do improtant shit that I need to know.
So I might have mentioned the Korean manga Noblesse I have been obsessed with it for quite some time. It's really long.
I have to redo ALL of the lessons to get my driver's lisence. I did the wrong lesson, not my fault. The website is fucking confusing. I was pissed to hell when I found out. I felt like an anime character when they have a dark aura around them. It was quite frustrating, especially considering that I had just come from a rather annoying band pratice where I could not get the asteriod/commet move down. (Don't ask about the name.)
I have also found that the cover of our marching show looks like Terra and Gaia colliding in FF9.
marching cover
So I might have mentioned the Korean manga Noblesse I have been obsessed with it for quite some time. It's really long.
I have to redo ALL of the lessons to get my driver's lisence. I did the wrong lesson, not my fault. The website is fucking confusing. I was pissed to hell when I found out. I felt like an anime character when they have a dark aura around them. It was quite frustrating, especially considering that I had just come from a rather annoying band pratice where I could not get the asteriod/commet move down. (Don't ask about the name.)
I have also found that the cover of our marching show looks like Terra and Gaia colliding in FF9.
marching cover

Final Fantasy 9 Terra/Gaia
Similar, no?
Mr. Composer dude went to the college I want to go to. Just a fun fact.
Peace love and all that jazz
Sakura finally did something! I'm so proud of her. Even Sasuke was starting to notice how useless she was.
Well it's true that all she did was punch Naruto in the face, but she did send him flying into a wall. This proves she can do . . . things, but not in an actual fight,
Peace love and all that jazz
Well it's true that all she did was punch Naruto in the face, but she did send him flying into a wall. This proves she can do . . . things, but not in an actual fight,
Peace love and all that jazz
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Aren't you supposed to be at band pratice right now?
Yes, indeed I am, but instead I'm sitting on my bed watching Naruto, House of Mouse and Winx Club. Yes, weird combonation of shows, I know.
But I feel like complete and totoal shit right now. I feel really bad, but when by the time I went and got out my trumpet and stuff, I just felt like I was gonna puke. I also have a headache and it sucks a big one.
On Naruto, the only character I really like right now is Kakashi. He is totally unimpressed by EVERYTHING, Naruto himsself is annoying, annoying, annoying, Sakura is an utterly useless girl seemingly existing soley to be a love intrest for . . . someone. But since she hates the guy who likes her and the guy she likes is almost as annoyed by as I am, she kinda fails in the love intrest category as well. Sasuke I just . . . don't . . . really . . . like very much. I don't know why.
On Winx Club, there are some weird plot holes. Like how is Bloom named the same thing by her real family and her adopted family? Did her blanket have her name stiched on it? Is it one of those magical, mystical things where 'oh she looks like this should be her name' or some shit like that? Or did her dead sister give her adoptive parents a vision in their dreams telling them what to name her?
And when the hell did Daphne become Bloom's sister? In the first season she was just a mystical figure that helped Bloom out, in the second season she wasn't mentioned, in the third season she wasn't mentioned, in the first movie she suddenly became Bloom's sister. Huh? Perhaps t'was just a translation thing.
Whatever, maybe I'm feeling horrible because of the lack of sleep last night. I could not fall asleep for the life of me. I finally went to bed around 5 am and probably tossed and turned until about 5:30 or 6 o'clock. I slept till almost noon though.
Peace love and all that jazz
But I feel like complete and totoal shit right now. I feel really bad, but when by the time I went and got out my trumpet and stuff, I just felt like I was gonna puke. I also have a headache and it sucks a big one.
On Naruto, the only character I really like right now is Kakashi. He is totally unimpressed by EVERYTHING, Naruto himsself is annoying, annoying, annoying, Sakura is an utterly useless girl seemingly existing soley to be a love intrest for . . . someone. But since she hates the guy who likes her and the guy she likes is almost as annoyed by as I am, she kinda fails in the love intrest category as well. Sasuke I just . . . don't . . . really . . . like very much. I don't know why.
On Winx Club, there are some weird plot holes. Like how is Bloom named the same thing by her real family and her adopted family? Did her blanket have her name stiched on it? Is it one of those magical, mystical things where 'oh she looks like this should be her name' or some shit like that? Or did her dead sister give her adoptive parents a vision in their dreams telling them what to name her?
And when the hell did Daphne become Bloom's sister? In the first season she was just a mystical figure that helped Bloom out, in the second season she wasn't mentioned, in the third season she wasn't mentioned, in the first movie she suddenly became Bloom's sister. Huh? Perhaps t'was just a translation thing.
Whatever, maybe I'm feeling horrible because of the lack of sleep last night. I could not fall asleep for the life of me. I finally went to bed around 5 am and probably tossed and turned until about 5:30 or 6 o'clock. I slept till almost noon though.
Peace love and all that jazz
Monday, August 13, 2012
Fuck my compter
My computer has randomly decided to shut down like a little bitch. I don't know why but it likes to just shut down at random times, technicaly it reboots to "install updated" but I suspect that it just want to piss me the fuck off. This is not the first time, but it was the most annoying time. My computer just dosen't understand that I do improtant things, like watching anime or reading manga or watching Disney cartoons or reading fanfiction. It doesn't understand!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Goofy's Wife
Recently I've been watching old Disney cartoons. Some of these are cartoons where Goofy has a son. I get very curoius as to where, exactly, this son came from. So I did some research.
I found several interesting things out.
1) Apperently in some of the old Goofy shorts there was an unamed, faceless wife character for Goofy.
2) It is commonly accepted that Goofy's wife died. (this seems singularly unDisney but whatever)
3) I heard someone say that they saw an episode of the TV show Goof Troop where they explained that she went to the mall and died in a car crash. (Still very unDisney)
4) Many believe that her name was either Penny or Glorybee, even though canon has nothing to say about her name.
I'm curious about this now. Any thoughts?
Peace love and all that jazz
I found several interesting things out.
1) Apperently in some of the old Goofy shorts there was an unamed, faceless wife character for Goofy.
2) It is commonly accepted that Goofy's wife died. (this seems singularly unDisney but whatever)
3) I heard someone say that they saw an episode of the TV show Goof Troop where they explained that she went to the mall and died in a car crash. (Still very unDisney)
4) Many believe that her name was either Penny or Glorybee, even though canon has nothing to say about her name.
I'm curious about this now. Any thoughts?
Peace love and all that jazz
You're not alone
This is an amazing song. I absolutly love it to death. It is called You Are Not Alone.
The best song in Final Fantasy IX.
Peace love and all that Jazz
Monday, August 6, 2012
I just broke my computer yall
I think I just destroyed the delete key. It's sticking up funny.
I was trying to get a bead out from under the key so I just pulled on it and totally fucked it up.
Yes I did, in fact, spill beads all over my computer's keyboard. And all over my bed.
Peace love and all that jazz
I was trying to get a bead out from under the key so I just pulled on it and totally fucked it up.
Yes I did, in fact, spill beads all over my computer's keyboard. And all over my bed.
Peace love and all that jazz
What the hell are they thinking? I can't go on a fucking vacation for a week, I would miss sets and probably loose my marching place! Why are you deciding to do this now? If we were going to go on a family vacation, it should have been a LLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG time ago when band was not in session.
Why are you doing this to me? I wanna go to Costa Rica too, but I can't leave now! I can't just skip pratice for a whole fucking week.
I really don't want to live with my granparents for a week either. I love them, but living with my grandmother gets on my nerves. She always asks me personal things. If I have annybody I like, and when I say no, she asks me if I like girls. She always comments on what I'm wearing and she's not trying to be rude, but it can be offending.
eah;outrg;iuhjakghnqeuifbndwiea;jdlnhgwiaihgfnwrbtoewsa;jfgbetnapbhngabpnfdmjvugbpnfv[oapnbskhnbspvjjnfgmovhbobjgnwjmnbiejvtgrwjmnpfnmvgrmgihurewg5be3purgt puhugfvbt4qpinegte jvfgtaejmniws\ae ;jbf;adotbgeiwhufvgsa;itj;elfte;hnpijgte;orifa[niorehtp43ungsa;eroagaw[eroigfvntspubeoa[9wewo4hq321`h0irghiufrva.nfsdvc//aoinfgvj;fsd.kvlnajfd
Why are you doing this to me? I wanna go to Costa Rica too, but I can't leave now! I can't just skip pratice for a whole fucking week.
I really don't want to live with my granparents for a week either. I love them, but living with my grandmother gets on my nerves. She always asks me personal things. If I have annybody I like, and when I say no, she asks me if I like girls. She always comments on what I'm wearing and she's not trying to be rude, but it can be offending.
eah;outrg;iuhjakghnqeuifbndwiea;jdlnhgwiaihgfnwrbtoewsa;jfgbetnapbhngabpnfdmjvugbpnfv[oapnbskhnbspvjjnfgmovhbobjgnwjmnbiejvtgrwjmnpfnmvgrmgihurewg5be3purgt puhugfvbt4qpinegte jvfgtaejmniws\ae ;jbf;adotbgeiwhufvgsa;itj;elfte;hnpijgte;orifa[niorehtp43ungsa;eroagaw[eroigfvntspubeoa[9wewo4hq321`h0irghiufrva.nfsdvc//aoinfgvj;fsd.kvlnajfd
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Game classes
If you know me you probably know that I like videogames. If you don't know me, well, I like videogames. I recently watched HCBaily's lp of FF IX and it got me thinking of the kind of job classes I like in games.
Job classes are things like thief, knight, dragoon, and white/black mage or summoner. I like the games where the classes are restricted. I know what you're thinking (because I'm psychic like that) and you are thinking "oh restricted = bad thing" because that is how our cluture works. It's not. Restricted job classes are where the character can only learn job-specific abilities. For example: a white mage can only learn cure, holy, and "pure" magic like that instead of being able to learn bio, fire, thunder, ice and other black magic. I really like when those jobs are incoporated into the story of the game, FF IX did a very good job of that. The main character is a thief job class and he is in a theif guild. Games like FF VIII do not have job-specific abilities. You could very easily teach your knight, thief, white mage, red mage, black mage, dragoon, monk, and blue mage all magic, abilites and just completly break the game's difficulty level to pieces. I hate that.
Chrono Trigger is the one exception. It has almost everybody learn some kind of black magic. Your four main characters all learn black magic, but in a very unique way. Each character has a specific element that they learn black magic for. They also get job-specific abilities. Like the white mage of the game also has an ice elemental attack and other characters get "white magic" which is actually just curative ablities, whatever. They did a good job with giving your main party each some type of elemental magic without breaking the game and giving everybody everything. I like Chrono Trigger.
Red mages are also exceptions. They are a class that is built non-job-specific and that it their job class. Red mages attack with a sword like a knight class, and learn both black and white magic. Their entire class is like that, so they are excused from all my dislike of non-job-specific because that is the point of the job class.
Of course this only applies to RPGs, never to platformers. Platformers don't have a party so they just get everything and are excused.
Peace love and all that jazz
Job classes are things like thief, knight, dragoon, and white/black mage or summoner. I like the games where the classes are restricted. I know what you're thinking (because I'm psychic like that) and you are thinking "oh restricted = bad thing" because that is how our cluture works. It's not. Restricted job classes are where the character can only learn job-specific abilities. For example: a white mage can only learn cure, holy, and "pure" magic like that instead of being able to learn bio, fire, thunder, ice and other black magic. I really like when those jobs are incoporated into the story of the game, FF IX did a very good job of that. The main character is a thief job class and he is in a theif guild. Games like FF VIII do not have job-specific abilities. You could very easily teach your knight, thief, white mage, red mage, black mage, dragoon, monk, and blue mage all magic, abilites and just completly break the game's difficulty level to pieces. I hate that.
Chrono Trigger is the one exception. It has almost everybody learn some kind of black magic. Your four main characters all learn black magic, but in a very unique way. Each character has a specific element that they learn black magic for. They also get job-specific abilities. Like the white mage of the game also has an ice elemental attack and other characters get "white magic" which is actually just curative ablities, whatever. They did a good job with giving your main party each some type of elemental magic without breaking the game and giving everybody everything. I like Chrono Trigger.
Red mages are also exceptions. They are a class that is built non-job-specific and that it their job class. Red mages attack with a sword like a knight class, and learn both black and white magic. Their entire class is like that, so they are excused from all my dislike of non-job-specific because that is the point of the job class.
Of course this only applies to RPGs, never to platformers. Platformers don't have a party so they just get everything and are excused.
Peace love and all that jazz
Saturday, August 4, 2012
shots and pizza
SO I had to get a shot today. -.- It sucks, the stupid thing still hurts. I got the shot at 2:35 and it is now 9:08. And we waited thrity-five munites for a shot that took all of ten seconds. But I guess I would rather have a shot and have my arm hurt than have Meningitus (sp?). That's some nasty shit right there. I causes amnesia, deafness, paralysis, mental retardation, loss of limb and death. Like I said nasty shit.
I won't be able to hold my trumpet. -_____- To quote Sylvia, "shit, piss, fuck." At least I have the weekend to recover. =3=
I found a new anime series. It's great. It's called Elemental Gelade. With a pompus name like that you wouldn't expect it to be funny as hell would you? Well it is.
We ordered a pizza today. I have a somewhat humorous story about that.
So my dad ordered the pizza. When the delivery guy got here, he ran his car off of our driveway and somehow got himself stuck. After my dad freed him from the driveway monster, he gave us the pizza and drove away. When we opened the box, it was somebody else's pizza. Dad called Pizza Hut and the phone rang and rang and rang and nobody answered. So he retryed the number and the same thing happened, he called a third time and somebody finally picked up only to immedatly place him on hold. He finally just went down to the Pizza Hut and took it back in person. We finally got the correct order and it's tough as a boot.
I didn't do a very good job at telling the story, but there it is.
Peace love and all that jazz
I won't be able to hold my trumpet. -_____- To quote Sylvia, "shit, piss, fuck." At least I have the weekend to recover. =3=
I found a new anime series. It's great. It's called Elemental Gelade. With a pompus name like that you wouldn't expect it to be funny as hell would you? Well it is.
We ordered a pizza today. I have a somewhat humorous story about that.
So my dad ordered the pizza. When the delivery guy got here, he ran his car off of our driveway and somehow got himself stuck. After my dad freed him from the driveway monster, he gave us the pizza and drove away. When we opened the box, it was somebody else's pizza. Dad called Pizza Hut and the phone rang and rang and rang and nobody answered. So he retryed the number and the same thing happened, he called a third time and somebody finally picked up only to immedatly place him on hold. He finally just went down to the Pizza Hut and took it back in person. We finally got the correct order and it's tough as a boot.
I didn't do a very good job at telling the story, but there it is.
Peace love and all that jazz
Panther + Platypus = Cougar
Monkey Girl and I were musing about our school at band yesterday. She told me that our school used to be two schools and then merged and that one of the schools' mascots used to be the Panther.
We were trying to figure out what the other schools' mascot could have been. She said the Wombat. I told her it was probably the Platypus. She started laughing at me.
In other news, Monkey Girl has started watching Soul Eater. I HAVE SUCCEEDED IN TURNING HER TO THE DARK SIDE, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, ahem. She said today that she thought Black Star was annoying. I looked at her and told her "Duh!" She told me that she was on the episode where they first meet Stien.
I told her to read the manga. She said that she couldn't because she couldn't get it. -___- I told her if she could get to a computer to watch the anime she could get to a computer to read the manga.
She had a funny story about her trying to watch Soul Eater. She was watching the episode (it might be the first one) where they are trying to get Blair. It was the part where she was in the bathtub and some dude walked up behind her and started looking over her shoulder. He got a o.O face.
Peace love and all that jazz
We were trying to figure out what the other schools' mascot could have been. She said the Wombat. I told her it was probably the Platypus. She started laughing at me.
In other news, Monkey Girl has started watching Soul Eater. I HAVE SUCCEEDED IN TURNING HER TO THE DARK SIDE, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, ahem. She said today that she thought Black Star was annoying. I looked at her and told her "Duh!" She told me that she was on the episode where they first meet Stien.
I told her to read the manga. She said that she couldn't because she couldn't get it. -___- I told her if she could get to a computer to watch the anime she could get to a computer to read the manga.
She had a funny story about her trying to watch Soul Eater. She was watching the episode (it might be the first one) where they are trying to get Blair. It was the part where she was in the bathtub and some dude walked up behind her and started looking over her shoulder. He got a o.O face.
Peace love and all that jazz
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Oh the things we think people say in songs
I think how we can interpret words in songs is pretty damn funny. For example: there is an Elton John song called "Benny and the Jets" there is one lyric in that song that can make you go o.O if you misunderstand it. The line is as follows "she's got electric boots, a mohair suit" it can sound like electric boobs if you aren't paying attention. Today while I was sewing I was listening to music and the song Glamorous came on. My mother came in while this song was playing and heard the word glamorous in the song as platypus. *facedesk*
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Band pratice was today. It was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. For one thing, I'm not as sore as I might have been. Not sure why.
T'was mostly marching, which was hot. The band hall was freezing though. I got a new uniform top. That was nice.
Peace love and all that jazz
T'was mostly marching, which was hot. The band hall was freezing though. I got a new uniform top. That was nice.
Peace love and all that jazz
Monday, July 30, 2012
Itunes is a fail when it comes to Japan
I got a ton of Itunes stuff for my birthday so I wanted to get some Japanese songs that I like. I also wanted to get an English song by a Japanese artist. So I went looking.
I did find Resonance, the Soul Eater first opening which I am in love with, but it was NOT the version from Soul Eater. It didn't even sound like the same people singing. The person singing on the Itunes version sounds like he has a cold or something, it's B-A-D. The weirdest thing was that it is refered to as "from Soul Eater". Wrong!
I also wanted to get "Simple and Clean" from Kingdom Hearts. What? It's a good song! That was an epic fail, they don't even have it!
I need one of those things where you can download music from YouTube or something. Then I could get the music I like and the version that I like of that music. But I don't have that program, which sucks.
I did get "Passion" though, it's the Japanese version of "Sanctuary" and is really pretty.
Peace love and all that jazz
I did find Resonance, the Soul Eater first opening which I am in love with, but it was NOT the version from Soul Eater. It didn't even sound like the same people singing. The person singing on the Itunes version sounds like he has a cold or something, it's B-A-D. The weirdest thing was that it is refered to as "from Soul Eater". Wrong!
I also wanted to get "Simple and Clean" from Kingdom Hearts. What? It's a good song! That was an epic fail, they don't even have it!
I need one of those things where you can download music from YouTube or something. Then I could get the music I like and the version that I like of that music. But I don't have that program, which sucks.
I did get "Passion" though, it's the Japanese version of "Sanctuary" and is really pretty.
Peace love and all that jazz
Is this a normal problem?
I can't go anywhere in the house to access the internet at will, like with nobody hearing or looking at what I'm doing.
I can be in my room and have privacy but no internet connection, which makes everything rrrrrrrreeeeeaaaaaallllllyyyyyyyy sssssslllllllloooooowwwwwww.
I can go into the computer room and have super fast internet, and no privacy.
But Zarina, don't you have a pair of purple earbuds?
Why yes, yes I do.
Can't you use those?
One side is broken and won't play any sound, so it is quite annoying to use them.
My parents don't get me. I said the other day that I didn't like the piano in a particular song. They both got on my case for unkown reasons. How could I like that piano? It was horrible and didn't fit with the song at all. It was all plunk plink plunk and the song was all laa laa laa.
Translation from band nerd for those who don't speak it. The song was very smooth and the piano stood out in a very bad way.
I have found a great new game. It's called Reasonance of Fate. I looked it up because the title reminded me of Soul Eater and their Soul Resonance. :P
Anyway, it's great. It had me totally cracking up. My favorite character was Zephyr. Anybody who knows me knows the type of character I love. The happy-go-lucky Sora-Zidane-Raz type of character, Zephyr is the exact opposite. He is a batshit crazy mass murderer with attitude problems that looks a bit like a girl and wears too much eyeliner (well everybody in that game wears too much eyeliner) and I love him. He is that character that voices what every gamer ever wants a character to say or do. Like when this one guy is acting really fruity (like Girahem only without the sadisim and diamonds) Zephyr has this face that exactly mirrored my face at that moment, another time he called the same guy a tool, and when he saved Leanne from killing herself, she was like "I'm alive" and he was like "not for much longer" (they were still falling at ths point).
Zephyr and his crazy ass makes me happy! Weirdest thing about Zephyr is that he is a protagonist.
The story of this game is crazy. It has no plot up until the very end of the game. I won't go into the plot because I don't like spoilers.
There was an lper on youtube that had the funniest lp of this game but he left it unfinished for whatever reason.
It has a post-apolypitic/steampunk kind of feel to it. It's very beautiful to look at because the graphics are stunning.
It has posdibly one of the biggest dick moves in any game ever, while you are traveling to learn to fight, there is a set battle that you will run into before you get there. If you have no clue how to fight, you will probably almost die in this battle.
peace love and all that jazz
I can go into the computer room and have super fast internet, and no privacy.
But Zarina, don't you have a pair of purple earbuds?
Why yes, yes I do.
Can't you use those?
One side is broken and won't play any sound, so it is quite annoying to use them.
My parents don't get me. I said the other day that I didn't like the piano in a particular song. They both got on my case for unkown reasons. How could I like that piano? It was horrible and didn't fit with the song at all. It was all plunk plink plunk and the song was all laa laa laa.
Translation from band nerd for those who don't speak it. The song was very smooth and the piano stood out in a very bad way.
I have found a great new game. It's called Reasonance of Fate. I looked it up because the title reminded me of Soul Eater and their Soul Resonance. :P
Anyway, it's great. It had me totally cracking up. My favorite character was Zephyr. Anybody who knows me knows the type of character I love. The happy-go-lucky Sora-Zidane-Raz type of character, Zephyr is the exact opposite. He is a batshit crazy mass murderer with attitude problems that looks a bit like a girl and wears too much eyeliner (well everybody in that game wears too much eyeliner) and I love him. He is that character that voices what every gamer ever wants a character to say or do. Like when this one guy is acting really fruity (like Girahem only without the sadisim and diamonds) Zephyr has this face that exactly mirrored my face at that moment, another time he called the same guy a tool, and when he saved Leanne from killing herself, she was like "I'm alive" and he was like "not for much longer" (they were still falling at ths point).
Zephyr and his crazy ass makes me happy! Weirdest thing about Zephyr is that he is a protagonist.
The story of this game is crazy. It has no plot up until the very end of the game. I won't go into the plot because I don't like spoilers.
There was an lper on youtube that had the funniest lp of this game but he left it unfinished for whatever reason.
It has a post-apolypitic/steampunk kind of feel to it. It's very beautiful to look at because the graphics are stunning.
It has posdibly one of the biggest dick moves in any game ever, while you are traveling to learn to fight, there is a set battle that you will run into before you get there. If you have no clue how to fight, you will probably almost die in this battle.
peace love and all that jazz
Sunday, July 29, 2012
I suck at spelling!
Anyway we went to the lake today and at the lake we like to water ski.
For the unenlightened peole who don't know water skiing is, it is where you stand upon two skis and have a ski boat pull you across the top of the water at high speed.
I tried to slolem ski.
Slolem skiing is water skiing only with one ski instead of two.
My attempt caused me to fall 15-20 times. I have ensured that I will be miserable for the rest of the week. Since band on Monday will be Hell. Complete hell. I will be sore and will have to try to march when I will barely be able to move.
Tommorrow I won't be able to move, like, at all. Fun fun.
But skiing is actually really fun when you don't fall like I did today. Don't get me wrong, you still get sore, you just don't get mind-blowing, week-long pain when you don't fall.
Wish me luck guys.
Peace love and all that jazz
Anyway we went to the lake today and at the lake we like to water ski.
For the unenlightened peole who don't know water skiing is, it is where you stand upon two skis and have a ski boat pull you across the top of the water at high speed.
I tried to slolem ski.
Slolem skiing is water skiing only with one ski instead of two.
My attempt caused me to fall 15-20 times. I have ensured that I will be miserable for the rest of the week. Since band on Monday will be Hell. Complete hell. I will be sore and will have to try to march when I will barely be able to move.
Tommorrow I won't be able to move, like, at all. Fun fun.
But skiing is actually really fun when you don't fall like I did today. Don't get me wrong, you still get sore, you just don't get mind-blowing, week-long pain when you don't fall.
Wish me luck guys.
Peace love and all that jazz
Saturday, July 28, 2012
The best excuse
To get new clothes during the summer is to say you'll wear them to school.
So far I have a new shirt and a new skirt that don't go together. Today I'm going to get another of the same which also do not go together.
My mother got me up at 7 this morning when we won't go to waco until probably 10:30. -.-
One of my deviant art stories has eight views, one fav, and one download but no comments. WTF?
If you like it enough to download it tell me what you liked. Help me to improve! Tell me what you hated, TELLL MEEEEEEE! People!
My friend Steph and I have hatched a plan to kidnap an animator and create my zodiac anime. I would make an american cartoon if one of the Avatar people will animate it cuz they are the only good animators anymore.
Not a big fan of the more realistic cg stuff, I grew up with 2d Diseny, so sue me!
I saw the best thing on the internet. It was a text conversation between two people.
G: What would you do if I broke up with you?
B: Get back with my ex.
G: That shows me how much you care. We're over.
B: Wanna go out?
G: Go with your ex
B: You are my ex
I thought it was cute.
Peace love and all that jazz
My mother got me up at 7 this morning when we won't go to waco until probably 10:30. -.-
One of my deviant art stories has eight views, one fav, and one download but no comments. WTF?
If you like it enough to download it tell me what you liked. Help me to improve! Tell me what you hated, TELLL MEEEEEEE! People!
My friend Steph and I have hatched a plan to kidnap an animator and create my zodiac anime. I would make an american cartoon if one of the Avatar people will animate it cuz they are the only good animators anymore.
Not a big fan of the more realistic cg stuff, I grew up with 2d Diseny, so sue me!
I saw the best thing on the internet. It was a text conversation between two people.
G: What would you do if I broke up with you?
B: Get back with my ex.
G: That shows me how much you care. We're over.
B: Wanna go out?
G: Go with your ex
B: You are my ex
I thought it was cute.
Peace love and all that jazz
Friday, July 27, 2012
Stupid computer is stupid
Why does my computer hate me? It keeps telling me that there is no problem with the network connection yet it won't load the page.
I am trying to read a really funny manga too. Its called Noblesse and it's no manga fox. I may add a hyperlink if I ever get not lazy.
peace love and all that jazz
I am trying to read a really funny manga too. Its called Noblesse and it's no manga fox. I may add a hyperlink if I ever get not lazy.
peace love and all that jazz
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
So . . .
Zodiac stuff. Yeah, I've been looking up Zodiac stuff for my newest idea. It would be really cool for somebody to make an anime/videogame based on the signs of the Zodiac. I'll store it in my brain for the future when I became a game designer.
I wonder if somebody already has done that. If so, I want to check it out. It would be really cool to try and intrepret the personalities and elements for each of the Zodiacs and then design characters and powers and stuff according to that.
If there is one and they didn't do that I would be supremely pissed
While I was looking around I read my own Zodiac profile and it was terrifyingly accurate, especially when you consider my recent mental breakdown. (about three posts ago)
The only thing that was wrong was that they said the sensitive area on a Cancer (my Zodiac) was the chest and I don't like people to know that I have boobs, lit alone let them touch them. I want no part of that mess.
Peace love and all that jazz
I wonder if somebody already has done that. If so, I want to check it out. It would be really cool to try and intrepret the personalities and elements for each of the Zodiacs and then design characters and powers and stuff according to that.
If there is one and they didn't do that I would be supremely pissed
While I was looking around I read my own Zodiac profile and it was terrifyingly accurate, especially when you consider my recent mental breakdown. (about three posts ago)
The only thing that was wrong was that they said the sensitive area on a Cancer (my Zodiac) was the chest and I don't like people to know that I have boobs, lit alone let them touch them. I want no part of that mess.
Peace love and all that jazz
Monday, July 23, 2012
For Lani
Thank you for the comment, but I'm all better now. I basically herped my derp on deviantart until I stopped crying, then screwed around on youtube until I was tired. Woman, it was two in the freaking morning do you really want me to call? I thought about biking but my bike likes to get flat tires for no reason other than to piss me off.
I really needed a hug last night apparently . . . early this morning actually, neep.
*in that weird getto/country accent-thingy we do* I love you girlfriend, almost as much as my earrangs.
P.S. I found a tear stain on my computer this morning and was extremely confused as to what it was.
I really needed a hug last night apparently . . . early this morning actually, neep.
*in that weird getto/country accent-thingy we do* I love you girlfriend, almost as much as my earrangs.
P.S. I found a tear stain on my computer this morning and was extremely confused as to what it was.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Pay no attention to my . . . whatever this is
So I'm laying in bed trying to fall asleep. I suddenly realized that I am totally useless. All I do is geek around on my computer or ipad. I have no motivation. I don't know what I want to do with my life at all.
Also I feel fat. I never do anything, like at all. Again with the motivation thing. I eat too much and I feel so unhealthy. There really isn't anything that I can do though. I can't run, my boobs pretty much prevent that. I weigh more than my mother, which is a truly depressing thought in itself. If I compare myself to almost everybody I know I'm very nearly morbidly obese. I hate feeling this way and I know that I shouldn't compare myself to anybody else and all of those other cliches that people spout to make others feel better,but I'm so tired of this. I hate feeling like this, I hate feeling like I'm not good enough. Great, now I'm crying. I DON'T WANT TO FEEL THIS WAY, GOD PLEASE HELP ME!!! GOD DAMN IT I'M GOOD ENOUGH, I AM.
Why do people call me beautiful? I have, like, twice in my life ever felt pretty.
I am so so sorry but I just had to let this out. I'm sorry.
Also I feel fat. I never do anything, like at all. Again with the motivation thing. I eat too much and I feel so unhealthy. There really isn't anything that I can do though. I can't run, my boobs pretty much prevent that. I weigh more than my mother, which is a truly depressing thought in itself. If I compare myself to almost everybody I know I'm very nearly morbidly obese. I hate feeling this way and I know that I shouldn't compare myself to anybody else and all of those other cliches that people spout to make others feel better,but I'm so tired of this. I hate feeling like this, I hate feeling like I'm not good enough. Great, now I'm crying. I DON'T WANT TO FEEL THIS WAY, GOD PLEASE HELP ME!!! GOD DAMN IT I'M GOOD ENOUGH, I AM.
Why do people call me beautiful? I have, like, twice in my life ever felt pretty.
I am so so sorry but I just had to let this out. I'm sorry.
I went to a bluegrass concert last night. It was really good, Lani would have loved the singing because the harmonies were gorgeous. There were also little funny bits that they added. It was just really fun.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Those awkard moments
when two characters who don't seem to like each other share a fangirl moment. It's even better if one is a guy.
Peace love and all tha jazz
Peace love and all tha jazz
In which I am confused and my mother is pushy
So we got a letter from the college that my school is allied with to provide classes. First they treated me like I was a full-time student there saying things like "we are so happy you chose to come here" and "we hope you have a good year." I was like "I didn't choose you" and stuff and that was all very confusing. Then my mother insisted that I go onto the email they gave me. So I did. Boy was that confusing. They wanted me to come to orientation. My mother decided that I needed to go to some fucking seminar on reading and writing. I didn't want to go to this but she insisted. Now I'm going to be the only person from my school there and feel like an idiot. This is going to be hell.
Then she insisted I go driving. I screwed up so many times it's not funny. It doesn't help that we have a new car that I utterly despise. It fucking hates me, I swear to God.
I got a new shirt though and am very happy about that. It's not a nerdy shirt but it is very cute.
I also had an idea for a new book. A group of genetically altered teenagers that think anyone not like them has to be killed. The second in command, Leyan (lay-ann), realizes what they are doing is wrong. I'm thinking a little girl confronts her when she kills her parents. Maybe a nature-loving guy that she falls for. One of the two. I'm going to to call it "Superior" because of what they believe, yea yea obvious, whatever I don't care.
i didn't put this one on deviantart I actually am going to do seroius work on this one instead of just writing and sticking it on the internet.
peace love and all that jazz
Then she insisted I go driving. I screwed up so many times it's not funny. It doesn't help that we have a new car that I utterly despise. It fucking hates me, I swear to God.
I got a new shirt though and am very happy about that. It's not a nerdy shirt but it is very cute.
I also had an idea for a new book. A group of genetically altered teenagers that think anyone not like them has to be killed. The second in command, Leyan (lay-ann), realizes what they are doing is wrong. I'm thinking a little girl confronts her when she kills her parents. Maybe a nature-loving guy that she falls for. One of the two. I'm going to to call it "Superior" because of what they believe, yea yea obvious, whatever I don't care.
i didn't put this one on deviantart I actually am going to do seroius work on this one instead of just writing and sticking it on the internet.
peace love and all that jazz
Thursday, July 19, 2012
WTF is wrong with people? (including me)
So I'm watching anime on youtube and I start reading the comments.
Almost every comment is about how the main character should dump her boyfriend and go out with the main villan instead. WTF? The boyfriend is a really nice guy and while *kinda* one-dimensional he is a good side character. I have no problem with the guy.
And all the different ships for Harry Potter . . . . JESUS FREAKIN CHRIST ALMIGHTY ON A POGO STICK. JK Rowling put Harry and Ginny together for a reason people.
Yes that is my reason for supporting canon pairings: they were put together for a reason. People are weird. We should all be dogs, dogs are awesome.
Or horses they are kind cool.
Or dolphins that'd be cool too.
Anything other than humans I'd be OK with really.
nee . . . meep. People are scary.
I got a new watcher on DA which is cool. DA stands for deviantart. (I may or may not have mentioned that I have a profile there where I write called Zarina3908)
My mother thinks I should design video games. That might be cool . . . I still think it would be funny to be a quantum physicist just for the family reunions.
I WANT A NERDY T-SHIRT!!!!!!! It depresses me that I can't be a true nerd because I don't have a nerdy t-shirt. A t-shirt with the triforce on it would be cool, I'd like that. But really any nerdy t-shirt would be good.
I started off talking about anime ships and ended with nerdy t-shirts . . . there is no hope for me.
Peace love and all that jazz
Almost every comment is about how the main character should dump her boyfriend and go out with the main villan instead. WTF? The boyfriend is a really nice guy and while *kinda* one-dimensional he is a good side character. I have no problem with the guy.
And all the different ships for Harry Potter . . . . JESUS FREAKIN CHRIST ALMIGHTY ON A POGO STICK. JK Rowling put Harry and Ginny together for a reason people.
Yes that is my reason for supporting canon pairings: they were put together for a reason. People are weird. We should all be dogs, dogs are awesome.
Or horses they are kind cool.
Or dolphins that'd be cool too.
Anything other than humans I'd be OK with really.
nee . . . meep. People are scary.
I got a new watcher on DA which is cool. DA stands for deviantart. (I may or may not have mentioned that I have a profile there where I write called Zarina3908)
My mother thinks I should design video games. That might be cool . . . I still think it would be funny to be a quantum physicist just for the family reunions.
I WANT A NERDY T-SHIRT!!!!!!! It depresses me that I can't be a true nerd because I don't have a nerdy t-shirt. A t-shirt with the triforce on it would be cool, I'd like that. But really any nerdy t-shirt would be good.
I started off talking about anime ships and ended with nerdy t-shirts . . . there is no hope for me.
Peace love and all that jazz
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
My mind is exploding
There was an actor in a video game recently who I found very familiar. I thought it was Tidus from ffx but no it is so much more than that.
He was Ma-Ti from Captian Planet, The ember island Sokka actor, Jonny Quest in the new adventures, Four different Scooby-doo series/movies, Chicken little, dispicable me, Tangled, teen titans, Max in Dark cloud 2, and Yabal in FF x-2.
Yes all of these I have watched and am amazed at how a chance wanting to know who else the actor played would uncover that he is in most of my fandoms. Creepy how big a part of my life this guy has been in.
Peace love and all that jazz
Monday, July 16, 2012
So I'm trying to watch an Lp and my computer decides to be a little bitch and shut down without informing me that the battery was low. *eyetwich*
Then it won't shut the hell off. If it dosen't shut off completly it it won't turn back on. *eyetwich*
then when I finally get the fucking thing turned on and plug it in it won't charge. My computer has this thing where sometimes it won't recognise the cable. It will draw power from it, bug the power won't be stored in the battery.
This happens when my computer decides to be a complete bitch to me. The ipad is so much simpler to use. Except that it won't do playlists on youtube. Really annoying.
So all in all my computer sucks right now and I needed to vent. And cuss it out. I might say I'm sorry later. But that is doubtful.
Peace love and all that jazz
Yeah, cartoons, you know, the things we show our children. What happened to all the quality ones?
Scooby-Doo, Danny Phantom, Mickey Mouse, all the old favorites. It seems that now all we get is crap. The shit we get now is dumb. Adventure Time, Flapjack, all that stuff is complete garbage. It is not something I want to watch, ever. If there is a choice between Spongebob and Adventure Time (two cartoons that got insanly popular without my consent) I'll turn off the TV and go to youtube where I can watch LPs of Banjo-Kazooie instead. I would rather watch Nuts and Bolts (which everyone knows I detest) than any of the new cartoons, at least it ahs good animation.
The animation on new cartoons is terrible. The animation from 20-40 years ago is much better than the stuff they give us now. How did this animation style become popular? It's terrible! How is that thing supposed to be a human? It looks like a god-damn dog or something I don't even know. There is no neck! WTF GET THAT KID TO A DOCTOR AND ASK WHY THE POOR CHILD HAS NO FREAKING NECK! Yeah. I'll watch anime where the hairstyles are improbable but they actually pay attention to basic anatomy.
Why are american animators woefully ignorant? The japanese animators are so much better. GO ANIME!
Have you ever noticed that there are some "cartoons" you watched when you were little (yugioh, pokemon, dragonball, cardcaptors) that are actually anime? It's weird.
Peace loe and all that jazz
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Why Game?
So I got tothat part in Chrono Trigger where you get to name the time machine.
Me being me, I wanted to name it TARDIS.
Unbenownst to me there was a character limit on the name.
This made me very angry, the word 'TARDIS' was one letter too long to fit the character limit. One letter.
I kinda wanted to cry. The game basicly told me, "no fangirl for you." and made me sad. Thank you game for being a total troll.
Peace love and all that jazz
I'm over at Lani's house and her and her sister are having an argument. That was a very exciting excerpt.
Now Lani and her mother are fighting over wether or not she is going to give her mother a kiss goodnight.
It's very awkard to just be sitting here watching their Mexican standoff.
I should have brought popcorn.
Lani won the argument.
Peace love and all that jazz
Saturday, July 14, 2012
My dog
So I gave my dog, Jethro, a new nickname. I usually say his name where the "th" in his name sounds like "f" (like so: Jefro). So I decided to make use of this fact to christen his new nickname Frodog. Yes I know that it is Frodo with a G on the end but still. I thought that was incredibly nerdy.
He has a hotspot under his collar so he is in his walk harness at the moment.
Peace love and all that jazz
Friday, July 13, 2012
Some ramdomness
I had to take out all of the second flower on my beaded bracelet because I did it baackwards. It was a good solid thrity min. of work that went into that.
When recorede my voice sounds way younger than it does when I talk. At least how my voice sounds to me when I talk to myself. It could be how my voice actually sounds to others, but my voice sounds much deeper to me when I talk.
Peace love and all jazz
When recorede my voice sounds way younger than it does when I talk. At least how my voice sounds to me when I talk to myself. It could be how my voice actually sounds to others, but my voice sounds much deeper to me when I talk.
Peace love and all jazz
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Things that I am thinking
1. I started a vlog. I don't know why, so don't ask. There is only one video.
2. Driving is a pain in the ass. It just is. I had to get up at 7 o'clock this morning to go drive, that is ungodly early for a teenager.
3. My nail polish is pretty. Pink and sparkly, and I sound like Barbie.
4. I had the most unique party ever and I'm sorry to anybody who missed it.
5. How can I have 200 plus hits on my blog when most of my stuff has no views on it?
6. Doctor Who
7. I need to write thank you notes and I don't want to.
8. My favorite Final Fantasy XIII character right now is Serah because she has turned to crystal and died, well basically.
9. I still want Skyward Sword and our Wii is still broken.
10. I might not be as over Kingdom Hearts as I thought I was.
11. My stuff on Deviantart is really depressing.
12. How can there be fanfiction about tetris?
13. Banjo-Kazooie
14. Log is even more annoying than I remember. He calls BK failures and outdated. Screw him.
15. I need to wash clothes and I don't want to.
Peace love and all that jazz
2. Driving is a pain in the ass. It just is. I had to get up at 7 o'clock this morning to go drive, that is ungodly early for a teenager.
3. My nail polish is pretty. Pink and sparkly, and I sound like Barbie.
4. I had the most unique party ever and I'm sorry to anybody who missed it.
5. How can I have 200 plus hits on my blog when most of my stuff has no views on it?
6. Doctor Who
7. I need to write thank you notes and I don't want to.
8. My favorite Final Fantasy XIII character right now is Serah because she has turned to crystal and died, well basically.
9. I still want Skyward Sword and our Wii is still broken.
10. I might not be as over Kingdom Hearts as I thought I was.
11. My stuff on Deviantart is really depressing.
12. How can there be fanfiction about tetris?
13. Banjo-Kazooie
14. Log is even more annoying than I remember. He calls BK failures and outdated. Screw him.
15. I need to wash clothes and I don't want to.
Peace love and all that jazz
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
My Opinion of Phantasmagoria
Phantasmagoria, you may have heard about it in my previous post about fingernail polish were I used it as an adjective, but I really didn't go into my opionin on the game. So here goes.
You play as one of the dumbest bondes in gaming history. She preaks point and click rules all the time and she point blank refuses to believe in anything supernatural until it walks up and slaps her in the face. Even a crying baby that dosen't exist and a singing rocking chair don't convince her. The acting is terrible, after this tense scene where you witness this guy killing his wife she stands up ramrod straight, like a goddamn solider. Her name is Adrian or Adrianne.
The plot could have been good. A demon (that Adrianne releases) posses her husband and drives him barshit insane and you have to rescue him without getting yourself killed. You can't do it. There is no good ending to this game.
You have to watch five women get brutally murdered to progress. The first gets her face carved up with a trowel then shoved into a flowerpot. The second is put into a machine that turns her head around until it snaps her neck. The third has some sort of entrails, possibly human, force-fed to her until they block her windpipe and she chokes. The fourth has a wine bottle shoved through her eye and into her brain. The fith is strapped into a machine that slices her head in two. All of them are pleasnt to watch.
There is also a little baby girl that gets murdered, but thank God they don't show that. The kitty gets killed too. :(
So if you fail to get everything that you need you find out in the most brutal way possible that she actually has a brain. (Adrianne shares the same fate as the fifth wife) If you get everything you need the husband gets killed, releasing the demon. If you go the wrong way at this point she gets her face ripped off by the demon.
When you do everything right the demon is easily defeated with a magic spell. Why she couldn't use the spell when her husband was alive, I don't know. Yeah, no matter what happens one of them get murdered. No good ending here. It is quite a pleasnt game.
Peace love and all that jazz
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
The Problem With Scented Nail Polish
Is that is smells worse than normal finger nail polish. The flowery/fruity scent combines with the normal smell of finger nail polish and creates the most repugnanat smell ever to hit my nose. It's God awful honestly.
Let me tell you how I know this. I have it on right now and it's giving me a headache. I got a bottle from my fiend Sue. He possibly didn't know the Phantasmagoric (Phantasmagoria is a horrible piont-and-click horor game fom Sierra) smell that came along with the pretty color. It does have a nice color and it covers very well, but the smell! It could possibly be strawberry-scented but the package said "firework" it doen't smell like gunpowder though. "Firework" probably just described the color.
All in all don't buy scented fingernail polish! You have been warned!
Peace love and all that jazz
Let me tell you how I know this. I have it on right now and it's giving me a headache. I got a bottle from my fiend Sue. He possibly didn't know the Phantasmagoric (Phantasmagoria is a horrible piont-and-click horor game fom Sierra) smell that came along with the pretty color. It does have a nice color and it covers very well, but the smell! It could possibly be strawberry-scented but the package said "firework" it doen't smell like gunpowder though. "Firework" probably just described the color.
All in all don't buy scented fingernail polish! You have been warned!
Peace love and all that jazz
Saturday, July 7, 2012
So I was rereading the book of ebion chapters in Soul eater and I noticed somethig strange. Soul's teeth were perfectly normal. Like not all pointy and stuff like they are usually are. This was before they even went into the book. And the whole crew is so funny when switched.
Male Tsubaki is hot, like, really hot. This coming from a girl who thinks super long hair on a guy is unattractive. So is tom Blair. Really hot guys that are actually girls, but not Liz and Patty, they just look weird.
Soul is cute as a girl. So is Black Star. Another wierd thing I saw was that Soul had a huge problem with guy Maka and the nosebleed. Like he didn't do it too, and Maka said that Soul was creepy as a girl and that made me lol.
Also Grikio said "you think you're cool or something" to Soul. Umm duh dude Soul is the "cool guy" so yeah he thinks he's cool.
Peace love and all that jazz
Birthday Shoutout
Happy Birthday Monkey Girl! Love ya!
She will probably never even see this, but I am obligated to post this as she is my best friend.
Our joint Sweet 16 party is tomorrow in my backyard, and stuff. Partys are a pain in the ass to plan. Just FYI. I hung my super-duper long green-purple-blue-assorted-colors scarf (my cousin has one just like it and therfore knows what I'm talking about) on my bed next to the window and it looks pretty darn good. I just needed a place to put it to get it off my dresser and because of its enormous mass it won't go into my drawer, so i had the splendeferous idea to hang it on my bed,YAY! I don't really know what splendeferous means . . . yeah, ach, whatever.
Peace love and all that jazz
She will probably never even see this, but I am obligated to post this as she is my best friend.
Our joint Sweet 16 party is tomorrow in my backyard, and stuff. Partys are a pain in the ass to plan. Just FYI. I hung my super-duper long green-purple-blue-assorted-colors scarf (my cousin has one just like it and therfore knows what I'm talking about) on my bed next to the window and it looks pretty darn good. I just needed a place to put it to get it off my dresser and because of its enormous mass it won't go into my drawer, so i had the splendeferous idea to hang it on my bed,YAY! I don't really know what splendeferous means . . . yeah, ach, whatever.
Peace love and all that jazz
Friday, July 6, 2012
Me Postin' on m'blog. And other stuff. Rambles
So I'm rereading "Cursum Perficio" which might just be the single greatest Psychonauts fanfiction. It has come to my attention that I have been neglecting my FF . . . and I really don't give a shit. It sounds bad because there are a select few who actually enjoyed my fics and might be disappointed, I still don't care.
Wanna know why?
Both of my running fics are Kingdom Hearts and I really can't be bothered with that fandom anymore. It is now dead to me. (See my rant called "Screw Square-Enix" or some such title like that) It's kinda sad because that was my main obsession for a loooooong time, like several years. Now I don't actually have a main fandom. I'm a huge fan of several things; AtLA, Soul Eater, Psychonauts, LoZ, DW, and they are fandoms, but none of them is big enough to be called a main fandom.
We went to see "The Amazing Spiderman" yesterday. It was good, but the main actor was, like . . . like . . . ummm . . . Maka when she goes black-blood insane, not the way she acts, but the way she, like, moves her head and neck. It was slightly annoying. There were no annoying cellphone people, but there was someone who brought their baby to the movie. It probably wasn't even one yet.
We went to Sams after the movie and I was shocked to discover that they had no Skyward Sword. What? It's not that old of a game, and they had stuff like Super Mario Galaxy 2 and some Kirby game that were out before the Wii was even created. They were originally Gamecube games for crying out loud! For those of you who don't know the Gamecube is obsolete. Maybe they just sold out.
I had a story on DeviantArt that was turning out really good. It was just chock full of murder and insanity. The insanity of a Manatee, if you will.
I can't hear the name Rita anymore without thinking of Retsupure's "Terrible Sequel Headaches" where they commentated on a long player playing Darkseed 2. Darkseed 2 is possibly one of the worst games ever. It has multiple bad endings and there is no happy ending, most of the game is ridiculous, the dialog trees are mostly pointless, and even if you save the world, you get stabbed in the back (quite literally) by your "best friend" and framed for the murder of your cheater of a girlfriend and yourself, while the killer is in the room. I have a question for the sheriff that went "Oh, he must have offed himself" how, exactly, do you stab yourself in the back, hmmm, especially right between the shoulder blades?
Whatever. any way Rita is the cheating girlfriend. She has an affair with almost every male character in the game. I can't hear that name anymore, I just can't.
Peace love and all that jazz
Wanna know why?
Both of my running fics are Kingdom Hearts and I really can't be bothered with that fandom anymore. It is now dead to me. (See my rant called "Screw Square-Enix" or some such title like that) It's kinda sad because that was my main obsession for a loooooong time, like several years. Now I don't actually have a main fandom. I'm a huge fan of several things; AtLA, Soul Eater, Psychonauts, LoZ, DW, and they are fandoms, but none of them is big enough to be called a main fandom.
We went to see "The Amazing Spiderman" yesterday. It was good, but the main actor was, like . . . like . . . ummm . . . Maka when she goes black-blood insane, not the way she acts, but the way she, like, moves her head and neck. It was slightly annoying. There were no annoying cellphone people, but there was someone who brought their baby to the movie. It probably wasn't even one yet.
We went to Sams after the movie and I was shocked to discover that they had no Skyward Sword. What? It's not that old of a game, and they had stuff like Super Mario Galaxy 2 and some Kirby game that were out before the Wii was even created. They were originally Gamecube games for crying out loud! For those of you who don't know the Gamecube is obsolete. Maybe they just sold out.
I had a story on DeviantArt that was turning out really good. It was just chock full of murder and insanity. The insanity of a Manatee, if you will.
I can't hear the name Rita anymore without thinking of Retsupure's "Terrible Sequel Headaches" where they commentated on a long player playing Darkseed 2. Darkseed 2 is possibly one of the worst games ever. It has multiple bad endings and there is no happy ending, most of the game is ridiculous, the dialog trees are mostly pointless, and even if you save the world, you get stabbed in the back (quite literally) by your "best friend" and framed for the murder of your cheater of a girlfriend and yourself, while the killer is in the room. I have a question for the sheriff that went "Oh, he must have offed himself" how, exactly, do you stab yourself in the back, hmmm, especially right between the shoulder blades?
Whatever. any way Rita is the cheating girlfriend. She has an affair with almost every male character in the game. I can't hear that name anymore, I just can't.
Peace love and all that jazz
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
You know you're a nerd if . . .
you misread the name of a grocery store as "Hyrule Grocery"
Peace love and all that jazz
I did this yesterday.
Peace love and all that jazz
I did this yesterday.
Nuts and Bolts
I believe I promised you a rant on Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts, so here it is.
I mentioned in a previous post that this game raped my childhood, let me explain. The first thing you see in game is this.
Thanks microsoft, that gave me nightmares. Later you get assulted by this little prick.
One of the most annoying characters I've ever seen. He calls himself LOG (Lord of Games). He's basicly an old tv with a purple cape.
He goes on to say that nobody likes platfom style game. Guess what you idiot, I do! And I know several lpers and friends that like the old-school platformers. What now bitch? He annoys the crap out of me. So because he thinks that nobody likes platformers he changes the style to a raceing game. Why would you do that? There is nothing wrong with platformers, nothing! Almost all of my favorite games are platformers, LoZ, the original BK, Psychonauts, to name a few.
Almost all of the famous games and game series are platformers.
They also changed the character designs, and not for the better.
Humba Wumba Old Style
Humba Wumba New Style
Her hair is now black, she now looks half-black insted of native american. She looks even more different in-game.
Mumbo Old Style
Mumbo New Style
Why? He looks cooler when he's not a smooth baby pink. He looks cooler as his original form.
Bottles Old Style
Bottles New Style
He looks more nerdy now. Why? He no longer looks like someone you would get kick-ass moves from, he looks like a Wal-Mart greeter or something. And WTF is with that tie?
Also in the opening cutscene you see that Spiral Mountian, which I loved for being this pristene natural place, has been all trashed out and has garbage everywhere.
My favorite place in the whole game was "Banjoland" a world where you could go and remember the good old times when the games didn't suck.
Peace love and all that jazz
Thanks microsoft, that gave me nightmares. Later you get assulted by this little prick.
One of the most annoying characters I've ever seen. He calls himself LOG (Lord of Games). He's basicly an old tv with a purple cape.
He goes on to say that nobody likes platfom style game. Guess what you idiot, I do! And I know several lpers and friends that like the old-school platformers. What now bitch? He annoys the crap out of me. So because he thinks that nobody likes platformers he changes the style to a raceing game. Why would you do that? There is nothing wrong with platformers, nothing! Almost all of my favorite games are platformers, LoZ, the original BK, Psychonauts, to name a few.
Almost all of the famous games and game series are platformers.
They also changed the character designs, and not for the better.
Humba Wumba Old Style
Humba Wumba New Style
Her hair is now black, she now looks half-black insted of native american. She looks even more different in-game.
Mumbo Old Style
Mumbo New Style
Why? He looks cooler when he's not a smooth baby pink. He looks cooler as his original form.
Bottles Old Style
Bottles New Style
He looks more nerdy now. Why? He no longer looks like someone you would get kick-ass moves from, he looks like a Wal-Mart greeter or something. And WTF is with that tie?
Also in the opening cutscene you see that Spiral Mountian, which I loved for being this pristene natural place, has been all trashed out and has garbage everywhere.
My favorite place in the whole game was "Banjoland" a world where you could go and remember the good old times when the games didn't suck.
Peace love and all that jazz
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Sweet sixteen guys
Sooooo today was my birthday. There was nothing exciting that really happened. We went to Brave the new Disney-Pixar film that just came out. It was an ok movie, not the best, not the worst. The thing that really bugged me was this guy in front on me that was checking his facebook the entre time. It was some kids dad and he was sitting there checking facebook. I felt like tapping him on the shoulder and saying "really bro? Some people are trying to watch a movie here.". If there is one thing tat annoys the hell out of me it's people that have their cell phones out in the theater. Any theater really, not just movie theaters. If I've praticed for, like, months on a play I don't want you to sit there playing "Angry Birds" or checkinf FB while I'm performing. It's rude! Also others are trying to watch the thing around you and the light is really distracting. How did my birthday get turned into a rant about cell phones?
Anyhoo the movie was cute. We went to the new BJ's here snd it was good. The waiter had ESP or something cuz nobody told him it was my birthday and he brought me a pizookie, basicly a cookie cake covered with ice cream. It was good. I opened presents and got some itunes gift cards, an ipad cover (currently in use), two pairs of earrangs (inside joke between me and Lani), a cake book, a "sweet 16" charm, a ring, a shirt, a pair of capris, a check, sicisors shaped like a fairy, and five bucks. I really wanted the new LoZ game, Skyward Sword, except for the fact that the Wii is dead (RIP you poor thing) or just not reciving power for some reason. Can anybody fix this, or know somebody that can, or where to get instructions to fix it? (I could do it myself, but I'm lazy) Yeah, I really wanted SS but the Wii is dead so I can't have it. That would be the perfect way to complete my fangirl birthday (see my sonic screwdriver post) but nooo the sttupid Wii had to die on me. Oh well, stuff happens.
Peace love and all that jazz
Friday, June 29, 2012
In what universe?
In what universe is Bella Swan punk? So Vanity Fair thinks that that chick is punk, they obviously have never heard of Paramore or Thalia Grace. Those are punk, Krisen Stewrt is not. I kinda want to slap some sense into whoever wrote that complete crap.
I have also noticed that my swearing has gotten much worse the closer I get to 16.
Also Howard Stern was being a complete troll to Turf on AGT. He was all like we're sending you home . . . To pack your bags to come to New York. Also those idiots sent the worst singer ever on to New York. He sounds, like, constapated or something. And he's alll groaning and stuff when he sings, very annoying. I had to plug my ears, and mom was like, poop already, which is where I got the constapated thing.
Peace love and all that jazz
Thursday, June 28, 2012
I remember now
The AGT people were totally trollin on this latest episode. They stopped on this one shot of this gut dropping his lockpick in a locked tub of water. The judges were being trolls as well but I don't remember how.
There was something . . .
But I don't remember ehat it was. I was totally going to rant about something earlier today, now I don't have a clue what that was. My memory is a fucking black hole sometimes. Like now, I would really love to know what the hell I wanted to get off my chest. It might have been my completely moronic fail at using tampons, or perhaps how huge of a nerd I am for getting excited at seeing Elemental Hero Avion stuck between Flame Swordsman and Dark Magician on an episode of Yu-gi-oh Zexal (owners being Jaden from Gx, Joey from the orginal and Yugi from the original respectivly).
I think I'll talk about my fail for a while. So yesterday I tried using a tampon for the second time in my life, and I swear I could not get the thing in there. It was like my vigina is the size of a ficking pincil. I have suscessfully used a tampon before so I have no clue why this was such an epic fail. But WTF? I am sure you people totally want to know all this personal shit about me. I'm sure anybody reading this is like TMI bitch, please STFU now. (I added the please to make cursing at myself less mean, ain't I sweet. F me.)
No out for you
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Yes, I did just have a fangirl freakout over YU-GI-OH. So I'm watching Zexal and they start dueling with the blue-eyes, red-eyes, dark magician, and dark magician girl. At first I was feaking about the fact that Yuma was using Yugi's most famous card, then about the fact that I saw Flame swordsman in the bg, and then I was mad that the idiot using the dragons was using Kiba's cards and Joey's cards together. WTF is that all about? If you're going to use the blue-eyes white dragon then at least have the decency to use, like, another of Kiba's cards and not tarnish the red-eyes rep as Joey's card. I mean if you're going to use Joey's card use Flame Swordsman instead of freaking Blue-eyes, come on Joey and Kiba HATED each other, WITH A FIREY PASSION, they would NEVER, I repeat NEVER allow their respective best cards to be used together, NEVER!
Did I really just freak over that? Really? I'm such a weirdo.
Peace love and all that jazz
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
F'ed up pairings
So when Lani was down we started discussing pairings that were royally f**ked here are a few of mine.
Chrona X anyone (nothing is scarier than not being able to figure out whether it is yaoi, yuri, or straight)
Cawlin X Bathroom Hand (from Skyward Sword, if you give Cawlin's letter to the bathroom hand it falls for him. The worst part is the fact that it's canon.)
Girahim X Fi (nothing says love like a gay demon lord and a sword spirit with no arms)
Sora X Roxas (no dude, just no. They are basically the same person)
Axel X Kairi (da fuk?)
Girahim X Link (gay demon lord and great hero . . . in what universe does this make sense? Link totally looks like he is terrified that the dude is going to rape him. He won't enjoy it!)
peace love and all that jazz
Chrona X anyone (nothing is scarier than not being able to figure out whether it is yaoi, yuri, or straight)
Cawlin X Bathroom Hand (from Skyward Sword, if you give Cawlin's letter to the bathroom hand it falls for him. The worst part is the fact that it's canon.)
Girahim X Fi (nothing says love like a gay demon lord and a sword spirit with no arms)
Sora X Roxas (no dude, just no. They are basically the same person)
Axel X Kairi (da fuk?)
Girahim X Link (gay demon lord and great hero . . . in what universe does this make sense? Link totally looks like he is terrified that the dude is going to rape him. He won't enjoy it!)
peace love and all that jazz
Monday, June 25, 2012
Be Prepared for Fangirl
So today was my family's last day here in our house and they brought me my b-ay gift since they can't make it down for my actual birthday. Anyway I opened my present and pulled out a shirt and headband, okay . . . Cool, whatever. They told me there was something else in the bag and so I stuck my hand in and pulled it out. It was a sonic screwdriver flashlight. Matt Smith's to be exact. Needless to say I am an extremly satisfied fangirl. SONIC SCREWDRIVER FLASHLIGHT PEOPLE! SONIC SCREWDRIVE FLASHLIGHT!
Peace love and all that jazz
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Poor Hobo
So my mother and I were comming back from play pratice the other night and we found this dog. This poor animal was nothing but skin and bones. He was so weak that he had almost no strength. He wobbled right over to me and fell over. He had beatiful fur and the cutest face. This pitiful pit bull puppy had been abandoned by some asshole and left on the street to die. He barely had the strength to eat. He still had puppy paws and an extremly young face. He was covered in beggar's lice and other assorted things. We had to put the food that we carry around for just such an occasion right in front of his nose before he would even look at it. We finally got him to eat 2 piles of food. It was interesting that he came right up to me even when it was mkom who was calling him. He looked like he wanted to jump in the car but didn't have enough strength. He finally got up and wobbled down the street with mockingbirds divebombing him. We are calling him Hobo.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Well that didn't turn out as planned
OK so I was watching anime on my computer right? And I'm watching it in Japanese with English subtitles because the English dub of this particular anime SUCKS. God forbid that the characters have any personal growth throughout the show, good voice actors, and that the show have its main romance actually in the English dub . . . I'm off topic. Anyway I click on the next episode and this horrible sound assaults my ears. It was the opening to the English Dub and I'm thinking WTF. . . So I refresh the page and it does it again. I click on the tab that says English Sub and it does it again. I finally get the idea to click on the English Dub tab and lo and behold the Japanese opening pops up immediately. Apparently the site I was watching screwed up majorly and switch the dub and sub of this episode. It freaked me the hell out for a second there though.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
You know you're a nerd if . . .
you compare the Goddesses of Hyrule to the Founders of Hogwarts.
Peace love and all jazz
Just look at my last post, I explain it there.
Peace love and all jazz
Just look at my last post, I explain it there.
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