Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Pains

Today was labor day (for those of you who live under a rock) a national holiday here in America.

National Holiday - authorized by law and limiting work or official business.

Every. Other. School.  Let me repeat, EVERY OTHER SCHOOL was out for Labor Day.  But guess whose school if f-ing retarded and decided to make us come to school on today.

You got an answer?  If you do, great.  If you don't too bad.

If you guesses mine, ding ding ding we have a winner.  We went to school today.

I really could have done without.  I have a place on my head that makes my brain blow to smithereens every time I touch it, and the awfulness of my day cannot be put into words.  I think Chrona's poem is a description of my day today.

How bas was it?  Let's just say that finding a dime on the floor was the highlight of my day and leave it at that.

Why do I get no respect? Am I not recognized as a leader because I'm short?  That is height discrimination and I will get Ed Elric to come and hurt people if it is that.  Is it that I'm not good enough?  I that's it, well fuck you broski, I am a fucking Junior, I know more than you do, I have  three years to your not-yet-one.  Is it because I started to be a leader too late?  Well, at least I'm trying.

Is it because I'm a nerd?  Fuck you, nerds are awesome.

Is there a t-shirt with "Team Edward" on it and then Ed Elric's picture?  If there is, I would buy it in a heartbeat with all of my non-exastant money.  If it was a dollar I could buy it!

Peace love and all that jazz

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