Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Yes, I did just have a fangirl freakout over YU-GI-OH. So I'm watching Zexal and they start dueling with the blue-eyes, red-eyes, dark magician, and dark magician girl. At first I was feaking about the fact that Yuma was using Yugi's most famous card, then about the fact that I saw Flame swordsman in the bg, and then I was mad that the idiot using the dragons was using Kiba's cards and Joey's cards together. WTF is that all about? If you're going to use the blue-eyes white dragon then at least have the decency to use, like, another of Kiba's cards and not tarnish the red-eyes rep as Joey's card. I mean if you're going to use Joey's card use Flame Swordsman instead of freaking Blue-eyes, come on Joey and Kiba HATED each other, WITH A FIREY PASSION, they would NEVER, I repeat NEVER allow their respective best cards to be used together, NEVER! Did I really just freak over that? Really? I'm such a weirdo. Peace love and all that jazz Zarina

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