Monday, July 30, 2012

Is this a normal problem?

I can't go anywhere in the house to access the internet at will, like with nobody hearing or looking at what I'm doing. I can be in my room and have privacy but no internet connection, which makes everything rrrrrrrreeeeeaaaaaallllllyyyyyyyy sssssslllllllloooooowwwwwww.

I can go into the computer room and have super fast internet, and no privacy.

But Zarina, don't you have a pair of purple earbuds?

Why yes, yes I do.

Can't you use those?

One side is broken and won't play any sound, so it is quite annoying to use them.

My parents don't get me. I said the other day that I didn't like the piano in a particular song. They both got on my case for unkown reasons. How could I like that piano? It was horrible and didn't fit with the song at all. It was all plunk plink plunk and the song was all laa laa laa.

Translation from band nerd for those who don't speak it. The song was very smooth and the piano stood out in a very bad way.

I have found a great new game. It's called Reasonance of Fate. I looked it up because the title reminded me of Soul Eater and their Soul Resonance. :P

Anyway, it's great. It had me totally cracking up. My favorite character was Zephyr. Anybody who knows me knows the type of character I love. The happy-go-lucky Sora-Zidane-Raz type of character, Zephyr is the exact opposite. He is a batshit crazy mass murderer with attitude problems that looks a bit like a girl and wears too much eyeliner (well everybody in that game wears too much eyeliner) and I love him. He is that character that voices what every gamer ever wants a character to say or do. Like when this one guy is acting really fruity (like Girahem only without the sadisim and diamonds) Zephyr has this face that exactly mirrored my face at that moment, another time he called the same guy a tool, and when he saved Leanne from killing herself, she was like "I'm alive" and he was like "not for much longer" (they were still falling at ths point).

Zephyr and his crazy ass makes me happy! Weirdest thing about Zephyr is that he is a protagonist.

The story of this game is crazy. It has no plot up until the very end of the game. I won't go into the plot because I don't like spoilers.

 There was an lper on youtube that had the funniest lp of this game but he left it unfinished for whatever reason.

It has a post-apolypitic/steampunk kind of feel to it. It's very beautiful to look at because the graphics are stunning.

It has posdibly one of the biggest dick moves in any game ever, while you are traveling to learn to fight, there is a set battle that you will run into before you get there. If you have no clue how to fight, you will probably almost die in this battle.

peace love and all that jazz

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