Fractale is an anime series based around a futuristic era where most people are dependent on a system called "Fractale." They don't interact with one another physically much and send their dopples (virtual selves) to contact others.
The story follows Clain (voiced by the same girl who voiced Nina (FMA), Holo (Spice & Wolf), and Juliet (Romeo x Juliet)) who saves a girl who is being chased by a group of Team Rocket-esqu idiots. The girl's name is Phryne (pronounced "Fren") (voiced by the same girl who voiced Winry (FMA), and Harhui (OHSHC)) initially I didn't like her, then I kind of did, the she went all ‘I don't deserve love, blah blah blah' which I hate.
So Clain takes Phryne back to his house and doctors her injures. They share some dialogue and then go to sleep. When Clain wakes up, Phryne is gone and has left a brooch encrypted with data on it. Like any normal person with any amount of curiosity, Clain examines the data and out comes a dopple girl named Nessa.
Nessa can interact with both the technological world and the human world. This is strange because dopples can only interact with other dopples, usually. Initially Clain is annoyed by Nessa, who has the apperance and mentality of ten-year-old kid. Then he comes to see her as more of a family that his family, who he only knows through their dopples and an old projector that had some home videos on it.
Team Rocket then appear again and taked Clain and Nessa hostage. Follow a long time of us getting to know the faction that they work for. Lost Millennium or LM is a resistance group working against Fractale that wants to destroy it. The thing is that the anime never takes a side in who is right, Fractale or LM. They find Phryne again and Clain and she become close.
There is and episode where they show an old guy with a camera. Clain goes to find him, and Phryne follows. Phryne finds a bunch of photographs in the house and discovers that the dude is Clain's father. Clain never discovers this or if he does, it is shown off-screen. This kind of bugs me because they have a set-up for some emotional scene, father and son coming together over their love of "junk." And they never went anywhere with it. They just let it hang. Even more annoying is the fact that the guy was sick and we have no idea whether or not he survived. I really dislike plot threads just left hanging like that.
That is about as far as I can take it without spoiling stuff and my half-assed explanaiption of the crazyness that goes down in this anime would be awful, so just watch it yourself.
Clain was a good character. He got called a pervert as a running gag. They took it way too far for my tastes. Of course I just dislike guys getting called pervs when they don't deserve it.
Phryne was annoying.
Nessa was cute.
The others were alright but not worth mentioning.
The ending was weridly bittersweet, they could have had a good ending for Clain, Phryne, and Nessa. They also could have had a really bad ending for them. But they went with this kind of in-between whishy-washy ending that didn't sit well with me.
So all in all what did I think? Not nearly as good as it was made out to be. It was good, I enjoyed it, btu it was nowhere near what the reviewer ShadowACS made it out to be. I will give it the fact that the animation isgorgeous.
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