Saturday, March 31, 2012

My thoughts on prom

Overrated, idiotic, perfect for people who just want to get laid, horrible when you want to go but are to young and nobody asks you, no clue about the dress code, couldn't care less, have no desire to go, hate makeup, hate dresses, hate our backwater town that thinks "soldja(sp) boy" is accepable music, hate that it is held in the old gym that smells like moldy used socks, hate all the fuss about finding the perfect dress and color-cooridinating for no gain, way too expensive. Today was the last day to buy tickets,ha! I once again escaped the dreaded prom. It sounds like sour grapes but I swear it's not. I did get asked and I did turn him down. Thank you that is all. Peace love and all that jazz Zarina

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