Monday, March 19, 2012

I have come down with a case of blogger rage

OK I officially hate the guts of my Spanish teacher.  Not only do I have to memorize a song that counts as 2 test grades, we also have a story to read that has some words even the translator doesn't know.  We were supposed to have read some of the story before spring break, which I promptly forgot about.  I have much more important things to worry about that reading that crap.  I have a play that we have just the slightest chance to make it to state with.  A band director that was angry with us for not playing like we are supposed to and practice for that on Mondays and play practice for OAP on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  It really does not help with the homework that the day explained the fucking (pardon my french) stuff we were gone for OAP.  And she assigned it over spring break.  I have NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT SHE WANTS FROM ME.  I AM SO SICK AND TIRED OF THAT CLASS I JUST WANT TO PUKE!  Math as well is torture, no help I probably missed half the stupid notes for my homework.  I really want to kill something right now.  I dare a robber to break in, I'd smash in his head with my heavy wooden sword that I keep behind the bed.  I hate other people, why can't we all just be dogs?  Loyal to the end and only dangerous when provoked?  Great!  Nobody would have to learn other languages?  Amazing, that is fine with me. 
The dog thing is actually just a variant of my cousin's saying "why can't we all just be horses?" I am not the biggest fan of horses but Ii do love dogs, until they step on your toe that is missing half it's toenail.  Yeah, I stepped on a trap in my mother's sewing room.  It was an extremely sharp plastic box that sliced my pinkie toe and cracked that toenail in half.  The broken part later came off when I went to figure out why that hell it hurt so bad.  And joy of joys this morning my dog stepped on my toe,  let's just say that it hurt is putting it lightly.  I think that my angst/blogger rage is wearing off enough to be civil to people now but I still would not trust me with sharp objects just yet.  I should end this before I go into another caps lock rage of swear words.

Peace love and all that jazz

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