Saturday, March 31, 2012

there is no hope for humanity

If found doctor who bible crossover fanfiction.  enough said

You know you're a nerd . . .

when you figure out how to play The Legend of Zelda theme song on your french horn.

Peace love and all that jazz
P.S.  A guy in my band actually did this.

My thoughts on prom

Overrated, idiotic, perfect for people who just want to get laid, horrible when you want to go but are to young and nobody asks you, no clue about the dress code, couldn't care less, have no desire to go, hate makeup, hate dresses, hate our backwater town that thinks "soldja(sp) boy" is accepable music, hate that it is held in the old gym that smells like moldy used socks, hate all the fuss about finding the perfect dress and color-cooridinating for no gain, way too expensive. Today was the last day to buy tickets,ha! I once again escaped the dreaded prom. It sounds like sour grapes but I swear it's not. I did get asked and I did turn him down. Thank you that is all. Peace love and all that jazz Zarina

Friday, March 30, 2012


I just killed a roach!  I feel so empowered!  I could take on Ansem, the master, a fleet of daleks, Voldemort (FYI I did not have to look that up, now what does that say about me?), Naraku, and various other villans from my other fandoms.  Yes I do, in fact, feel that empowered by killing a roach.  Well I actually just flushed it down the toilet but I hope it dies.  I also shook it in a jar before flushing it.  It felt rather good.  I have never had enough courage to kill a roach. 

We are reading Macbeth in English right now.  I believe that is why we did not make it past district in OAP Elmo said the name.  And I did not remove the curse!  How could I be so stupid?  Not removing the curse of Macbeth was an idiotic thing to do.  For anyone who doesn't know about the curse, allow me to enlighten you.  The play Macbeth is cursed, those who say the name of the play before a performance curse the production and something awful will happen, sometimes things will fall or we don't move on.  The only way to remove the curse is to turn in a circle three times and spit.

This guy started singing "Fall For You" today during chemistry and I picked up the song where he left off without even thinking about it.  I have no clue where I learned that song or anything.  I freaked for an unknown reason. 

Very good news, I had no homework today after school.  Whoohoo1 I got to catch up on my shows.  That was nice.  I also got flowers from the director of our local theater.  It was very nice of her.

Ooh, other news.  I got asked to prom.  I turned him down.  First off I refuse to pay $40 to go to prom with someone I don't really like.  I also do not wish to get all dolled up and put on a long dress to go and do the cotton head row or the cupid shuffle.  Yes, our town is that backwater that we do that at prom.  They can be fun I'm not saying that they aren't, but not in a floor-length dress, high heels, and makeup.  Possibly not even in a skirt.

Peace love and all that jazz

Monday, March 26, 2012

You know you're a nerd . . .

Stupid people annoy me

We didn't make it.  We got the same idiot that we did last year and he shot us down, again.  I'm talking about OAP we put everything we had into that performance and we got diddly.  And the judge is annoying. 

First off he basically told my friend who plays Leslie in the play that she was unimportant and he did not understand her purpose, making her feel like dirt.  Also ha apparently does not understand the concept of alcholism and asked why an alcholic character downed a whole bottle of scotch, um, DUH.  He told my friend who played Kate that her portrayal of the character was incorrect and needed improvement.  He hated the cuts that we did (cuts are what we are forced to do to get rid of unwanted swear words and extra time) even though a judge at another contest told us that they were the best cuts she had ever heard.  He hated out set, well I'm very sorry but we were lucky we had a couch at all and they are fifty freaking years old they will not have modern furniture.  The only good thing he had to say was that he loved my energy and that I did a very good job keeping it consistent.  That was the ONLY good thing he had to say.  The only 2 people to get medals in our whole group were me and our stage manager.  Last contest every single person got a medal.  Yes I am extremly pissed off at that judge.  i think that he just hates our school.

Now that the ranting is out of the way I am totally going to be on one act again next year after all.  next year we have some of the toughest schools in our district so we are just going to perform a comedy and not give a F**K if the judge likes it or not.  That sounds pretty damn good to me.

Peace love and all that jazz

Thursday, March 22, 2012

One Act Play Update

We made it to district in One Act Play.  Every single person in the cast and in the crew got some kind of medal.  Personally I got all star cast which is pretty cool.  What was not cool was the homework load from Spanish that got dumped on us all at once.  I finally finished the stupid "Cajas de Carton" paper this evening and now it is late.  I would have gotten a 70 on it for not magically turning it in whilst being at OAP but now I believe it is a 50.  Oh well I have a signed progress report that that will (hopefully) be and automatic 100 and even it out.  That is all.

Peace love and all that jazz

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Well it is official, I hate life.  I should go emo or something.  Maybe goth, thiat  might be kinda cool.  But I won't because as anyone who knows me at all is aware of I love color waaaaaaay to much to giv eit up.  Plus people who are like that, all dark and gloomy, get on my nerves. 

want to know the reason for my forray into teenage angst?  My school.  I hate it so entirely I almost just want to run away to y cousin's house and go to her school.  Then I could just stay with her and her friends.  That'd be cool, but I can't because if you are lin honors classes, they don't transfer over if you move schools.  Which sucks, big time, since I have been in honors classes since 7th grade and have advanced math classes. 

I read a fanfiction about a popular guy in a show who got thrown out of the "in croud" the author's portrayal of his thought on the matter seemed very realistic to me.  The last sentence was "are all nerds as close as those three friends?" my answer was an immedite yes, for if we do not stick together, we get picked on alone.  I will be a nerd for my whole life, I have no overwhelming desire to ever become "popular."  Popular people are only truly happy when they are was shallow as a puddle in the middle of the Shara Desert.  Meaning that they have very little personality to speak of if it revolves around anything but the newest fashion trends.  I perfer my real friends to some "croud" that will turn on me if I dress like a total freak.  Why did I get into this?  Well whatever. 

ohh before I forget, please excuse my horible use of nasty swear word in the last post, but I was a very unhappy camper last night.  So please forgive me.  Those words were unnecisarily vulgar and I had no right to use them.  I promised myself I would only use those words when I was exceedingly pissed off.  Well that was last night.  Spring break is so totally not long enough.

Peace love and all that jazz

Monday, March 19, 2012

I have come down with a case of blogger rage

OK I officially hate the guts of my Spanish teacher.  Not only do I have to memorize a song that counts as 2 test grades, we also have a story to read that has some words even the translator doesn't know.  We were supposed to have read some of the story before spring break, which I promptly forgot about.  I have much more important things to worry about that reading that crap.  I have a play that we have just the slightest chance to make it to state with.  A band director that was angry with us for not playing like we are supposed to and practice for that on Mondays and play practice for OAP on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  It really does not help with the homework that the day explained the fucking (pardon my french) stuff we were gone for OAP.  And she assigned it over spring break.  I have NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT SHE WANTS FROM ME.  I AM SO SICK AND TIRED OF THAT CLASS I JUST WANT TO PUKE!  Math as well is torture, no help I probably missed half the stupid notes for my homework.  I really want to kill something right now.  I dare a robber to break in, I'd smash in his head with my heavy wooden sword that I keep behind the bed.  I hate other people, why can't we all just be dogs?  Loyal to the end and only dangerous when provoked?  Great!  Nobody would have to learn other languages?  Amazing, that is fine with me. 
The dog thing is actually just a variant of my cousin's saying "why can't we all just be horses?" I am not the biggest fan of horses but Ii do love dogs, until they step on your toe that is missing half it's toenail.  Yeah, I stepped on a trap in my mother's sewing room.  It was an extremely sharp plastic box that sliced my pinkie toe and cracked that toenail in half.  The broken part later came off when I went to figure out why that hell it hurt so bad.  And joy of joys this morning my dog stepped on my toe,  let's just say that it hurt is putting it lightly.  I think that my angst/blogger rage is wearing off enough to be civil to people now but I still would not trust me with sharp objects just yet.  I should end this before I go into another caps lock rage of swear words.

Peace love and all that jazz

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Well, I hope you are all happy. Last night, just for ya'll I went through all the fanfictions to find the largest number in each category. So here they are.

Tv:  Supernatural -59,286

Plays: RENT -7,028

Movies:  Star Wars -27,925

Misc.:  Misc. books -17,056

Games:  Kingdom Hearts -65,423

Comic:  X-Men -10,811

Cartoons:  Avatar:  The Last Airbender -31,307

Books:  Harry Potter -583,359

Anime/manga:  Naruto -299,093

That is all Peace love and all that jazz

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Random Funny/wierd quotes

When life gives you Edward Cullen, throw him back and demand The Doctor.

Don't worry about the world ending today; it's already tomorrow in Australia.

When life gives you lemons, make grape juice and watch everyone wonder how the hell you did it.

Never ever take a laxitive and a sleeping pill together.

Apperently Adavada Kedavra turns wizards into sparly vampires and that is why it is unforgiveable.

Its not me... Its the voices in my head. They tell me to kill people.
It's o.k. man. If it doesn't affect you, you're not human.

There's a line between idiotic and stupidity.....And you just crossed it.

One person's craziness is another person's reality.

There's a pink bucket 40 feet up a pine tree. Why?

We had drugs? Oh my God, why am I driving drunk when I could've been driving high?

I'll get my engineers to make a combustible lemon! Then we'll burn life's house down, with the lemons!

There is no such thing as sanity, only varying degrees of madness

I talk too much. It's tragic

98% of teenagers have smoked, drunk, or had sex. Put this in your signature if you like bagels.

I got all these from signatures on Deviantart, some are more funny than these but I am lazy and don't feel like scouring any more pages for quotes. 

Peace love and all that jazz

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Really, you're resorting to video games?

Final Fantasy X and X-2
Can anybody tell me why, exactly people hate on these games so much?  I love them, they are my second and third favorite in the series(right after FF 9) and they are so hated on.  X is hated on because of Tidus, mostly.  Some people say he is too emo, my reaction:  If you think he's emo I would hate to see your reaction to Cloud, Squall, or my cousin's blog.  Others say he is too hyper, my reaction:  A. he's and athlete, nuff said B. He's trying to be positive for Yuna and C.  he's blond.  A lot hate on the voice actors.  Me?  I could not imagine them any other way, the only exception is (besides being an awesome song by Paramore) one scene in X-2 where Yuna states that she is angry and she sounds . . . mildly annoyed at best and slightly disinterested at worst.  X is also hated on for being too long, my reaction:  if you think this is long check out FF 7 which takes like 75 hours to complete - not even 100% I think.  It's hated on for being too linear also X-2 is hated on for being too open, you just cannot win with these people. 
X-2 is hated on for it's story.  Personally I like its story, people are telling Yuna to move on and forget the person she loves because he's gone.  It's really about her not wanting to let go and let him be just a memory.  Plus, in fiction, I am a hopeless romantic.  (In life, not so much.  I have pretty cynical views on the subject of love)  Also, I just like Tidus ;) anyhoo.  It also  focuses on her feeling like she's done her part for Spira, but at the same time wanting to preserve the calm so may people died for. 
I should really start this essay that is due on Friday.  I don't want to at all.   I have TAKS tomorrow too, I mean how evil is my english teacher when she knows that we have ENGLISH TESTS WHERE WE HAVE TO WRITE AN ESSAY and then going and assigning us another freaking essay.  It is about why people need government and why/when should we break the law, or some such shit.  Honestly, I could really give a crap right now.  I have FREAKING FOR REAL TESTS TOMORROW!! ONES THAT COUNT TOWARD MY ENDING GRADE FOR THIS YEAR.  Good I got that out of my system.

Peace love and all that jazz

Friday, March 2, 2012

Angry rant about my retarded school

I honest to God hate our school. The baseball team had a tournamet today and one of the opposing teams wrote on our scoreboard. Yeah, trashy right, instant disqualification. Only if you are going by the rules, if you are not, then it is an "adult matter" and we should let them take care of it. Maybie you should take a leaf out of you own book and preach to yourself about having pride in your school and standing up to people who wreck your stuff. It's kinda hard when everytime we try, we get shot down. We also can't go to the library during lunch anymore. We used to be able to, but now, oh no you might be trying to leave the premises. Screw you, the freaking libraian is in there and will vouch for us, but do you care? Of course not. Never, forget that we might be trying to do homework without the loudmouths in the cafeteria annoying us. You do not care enouth to know that I am a complete and total bibliophile that has been without a book for three days now. (practically torture for me) I really hate that place. Peace, love and all that jazz Zarina

Thursday, March 1, 2012

You know you're a nerd . . .

if you know the dictonary definition of the word "geek"(someone who bites the head off a live chicken in a circus).  You are all nerds now. ;p

peace love and all that jazz
P.S. never let someone call you a geek!  unless you actually are one. 
P.P.S I will have one of these every 11th post. (cuz I like the 11th doctor!)