Friday, May 11, 2012

I belive I've stopped caring

I am going on the band trip tomorrow, we are going to six flags and it is supposed to rain.  Sounds fun, not.  it sounds about as fun to me as getting hit over the head with a Maka Chop all day.  Actually that sounds pretty damn entertaining right now.  I hate life.  I have absolutely no reason to; I'm not dying, my family isn't starving, I just have no good reason.  This is why you do not let me read Tithe anymore, I get depressed by that book for no reason.  I am rereading Catching Fire, it is as boring at the first as ever, then they start  killing people off and it gets better.  I convinced someone to read Harry Potter and they love it.  They are becoming obsessed, *puts on sunglasses and lights fake cigarette* and the world is a better place.  I found a site called and it is very funny.  It has some bad stuff onthere too but a lot of it is funny, Sue and I sit and laugh at it in the library.  i must tell the story of ho we found it it is somewhat hilarious.  We were looking up stuff on the internet and I had just given Sue the mindf**k of a lifetime trying to explain Chrona's backstory to him.  He asked what we should look up next and I said, "your face."  So that dumba$$ went and typed, "my face" into google and up popped this site.  Not as funny in hindsite but whatever, now you know and people won't bother me with stupid questions.  Yipee!  Whatever. 

peace lova and all that jazz

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