Saturday, May 19, 2012

Great thanks cuz

Dear dear cousin Lani,

thank you so very much for convincing yourself that you are manic depressant.  Thanks so very, very much.  This morning my mother asked me if I was worried that you had convinced yourself you had this condition, and when I gave a noncomitimal answer, she started to half lecture me about how my parents love me and how they are so proud and how good I am and how amazing I am and blah blah blah. 

You now have my parents convinced that I am going to go emo and start cutting myself or something.  So thanks for that cuz, its much appreciated.  Let me clue you in, you are not crazy (well you are but not in a sycopathic, crazy way in a good way) you are no more bipolar than I am and you are a teenager, which means you are obligated to be depressed at least half the time. So no more talk of this stupidity. Sincerly, Zarina

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