Monday, October 29, 2012

Stupidity, it's so f**king annoying.

I got my drivers lisence, yaaaay.  I can only go back and forth to school with it.
I got a car, it's awesome.

The first day I got to drive by myself, it rained.  Then we had to play three songs over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.  Then our teacer graded our tests wrong in physics.  Then this game started to annoy the crap out of me.  Then I got three different stories about where to park my car.  Then I was carrying about a million things and idiots who were blocking the ENTIRE FUCKING HALLWAY claiming to be "in line" wouldn't move out of the way for ten seconds so that I could move to put my crap down.

My halloween costume is another kettle of fish entirely.  I'm going to be a greecian woodland nymph. I tell people that and they are all like "isn't that bad?"  I'm like "what is so bad about a spirit of the forest?"  I'm not going to be a fucking nympho for halloween!  God, people need to get some damn culture.  And I want very much to go back in time and strangle whomever created that slang word for something awful out of a graceful spirit of greek myth.  Only three people I told understood what I meant when I told them; monkeygirl, mom, and thebomb.

I don't think I've mentioned thebomb yet.  Well, allow me to explain mu recent beef with her.  She keeps talking about how her and Elmo are going to have this special salute and this and that and the other if they get drum major.  They say it like they are special and the only ones who could do that salute and stuff.  With me right in the room, also their friend, also trying for DM, feeling totally left out.  I also felt left out when the only friend Thebomb thought would enjoy going to see a play was Elmo.  Seroiusly?  I was standing right next to her!  Maybe I should just quit band...

I mean it's not like people respect me or appreceate my presence there.  Most of the time they either ignore me or backtalk me.  Nobody EVER backtalks Elmo even though we are the same age andin the same section and I have just as much authority as she does.  Another thing about Elmo.  She said to one of the other trumpets that next year the section would be theirs if she got DM.  Excuse me?  I'm still here, and I still have seniority.  If I don't get DM and there is a calculus class that I need for my math credits during first period, I'm gonna quit.

I hate people.  There is a small list of people I like and a smaller list of people I can be in the same room with without wanting to kill them.

Peace love and all that jazz

P.S. why are animated characters so much better that real people?

Sunday, October 21, 2012


They need to get lives.  Seriously,  I'm going through youtube listening to Nickleback (because they are amazing and awesome and I hope the main singers cancer gets better) and I star to scroll through the comment section.

The first thing I see is "I hate him and his songs, I hope cancer kills him" my reply was that he really needs to do something useful with his time(meaning the commenter). Anyhoo, if you don't like a video that somebody put up or some song just find another video to watch, I swear to God it won't kill you.  I have done it before, and it does not even maim, it really doesn't even hurt at all.  Watching something you hate says something very negative about your intelligence level and judgement skills. I hate Justin Bieber with a fiery passion, that doesn't give me the right to go and look at all of his videos and post negative things about him.

While we're on the subject of haters, there was an article in the newspaper the other day that really seemed...for lack of a better word...retarded.  It was about how Halloween decorations can leave a negative effect of children and blah, blah, etc, etc.  there was one quote that really struck me as stupid (it was from a former marine which I found weird) "What are the children riding their bikes to school going to think about these decorations."  My response was that they are thinking that it's almost time to go and get free candy.  They don't give a rat's ass that the decorations are a bit spooky, they just want candy.  Or at least that's how it was for me.  And that I got to dress up, I loved dressing up. (Still do). But this is coming from someone whose favorite show is called "Soul Eater" and has people's faces getting torn off like laffy taffy, so perhaps I shouldn't be talking.  But I digress, if they had actually bothered to ask the children in question (and not coached them to say what you want) they would say something similar to what I have.  I'm still technically a child as I am not 18, your argument is invalid.

Peace love and all that jazz

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Blatent refrences

Today was a vocab test filled with words I've know the meaning of since I was, like, five.

Anyhoo, I was just watching YuGiOh GX and one of the bad guys was obsessed with alchemy monsters.  He was also a homonculous himself and had an arm that looked overly familiar to my FMA fangirl self.  A oh, so, obvious refrence to Ed?  Idk.  But possible.

Only thing is I'm not sure when YuGiOh GX (at least this episode) came out.  Or when the FMA manga came out to be refrenced.  It could just be an uncanny coincidence... I guess....

I should just stop being lazy and look it up.  BRB

FMA manga came out in July 2001.
GX came out in 2004 so it is entirely possible.

I'm such a dork.

Peace love and all that jazz

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Band, life, stuff

The marlin marching band has either a KH or just video game marching show.  All I know is that I heard "Simple and Clean" being played by their mallets.  Again with the pancake feeling.

We are doing pretty well in marching BTW.  We're getting all ones.

I got Monkeygirl started on Fullmetal Alchemist.  She thinks Ed's height complex is weird, Hues is annoying, Armstrong is annoying, and that Rose is an idiot.  I think Ed's height complex is the way I reacted when I was in elementary, Hues is adorable, Armstrong is a stripper, and Rose is an idiot.

I found this somewhere and thought it was great, I embellished it a little.

You say Cullen, I say Elric.
You say Bella, I say Winry.
You say Jasper, I say Alphonse.
You say Alice, I say Mei.
You say Carlisle, I say Hoenhiem.
You say Esme, I say Trisha.
You say Bree Tanner, I say Nina Tucker.(this one I might need to explain, they were both likeable characters who were killed for BS reasons)
You say Charlie, I say Urey.
You say Rene, I say Sara.

Yeah, I just went through and listedvas many characters as I could remember from the one time I read the Twilight series and corresponding FMA/B character.

I thought it was funny okay?

I'm really getting into YuGiOh GX.  It's really funny, but if you haven't watched all of the original you miss some stuff.  And Monkeygirl keeps spoiling things in the second season. -______________-

That's about it I guess.  Oh, I was mistaken about YuGiOh being in the same magazine as SE and FMA.  It's in Shonen Jump and the other two are in Shonen Gannen.  It's an honest mistake.

Peace love and all that jazz

Sunday, October 7, 2012

You know you're a nerd if...

...You find these freaking hilarious.

This is hilarious, and also true: if a pizza has a radius 'z' and a depth 'a' that pizza's volume can be defined Pi*z*z*a.

Knock knock. Who's there? To. To who? No, no, no. To whom.

As my chemistry teacher always said, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

Argon walks into a bar. The bartender says, "We don't serve noble gasses here!" Argon doesn't react.

The past, the present, and the future all walk into a bar at the same time. It was tense.!

The rest are here but these were my faves.

Peace love and all that jazz

Friday, October 5, 2012

Death you're doing it wrong!

Because I'm not dead yet, just healing from a minor infection that made me feel like complete shit and caused me too miss a UIL OAP convention.  My head itches like hell and I really hope I haven't picked up lice.

Anyhoo. My BFF and I would be perfect college roommates because we freaking share everything.  Which came out dirtier than I meant it too.  I don't know if I mentioned it but my computer finally bit the big one.  Which makes me both relieved and sad.  I hated Vista but it was a lot more convenient  for watching things.

I discovered that the three animes I obsess over (FMAB, Soul Eater, and Yu-Gi-Oh) all originated in the Shonen Jump manga magazine.  I flipped.

Ed, Tamaki, and Spirit all have the same voice actor in english. Flipping again.  OHSHC and FMAB have the exact, EXACT, same english voice cast.  Flipping is so fun! (I watched them right next to each other) Ed and Natsume have the same japanese voice actress.  Yes, actress.  Flip, flip, flip.

I feel like a pancake.

American History is hard.  College is hard.  When can I go back to high school?

Biker Mice from Mars.  New obsession.  It's kind of addicting and wildly stupid at the same time.  Anthropomorphic alien mice on motorcycles that protect the environment?  Yeah, it's good.
That's about it I guess.

Peace love and all that jazz,