I don't have any homework today and a science fair project due tomorrow. Whoop de doodle doo. I hate science, it's not like I'm horrible at it or anything, I just cannot stand the structure of it all. It's like you must follow everything exactly as printed it you don't want to die. I don't really feel like dying today thanks but really I like things less structured, more go-with-the-flow stuff.
I wonder why even though I love to lol everything I write turns into drama/cry fest. and I mean everything. My story of undetermined length has turned into a drama fest of dead little girls, friends in forbidden love and engaged to others, leaving home because you find out you are a half-breed human/elf cross, and other fun stuff like that. And my fanfics turn outlike that as well, I mean really her mom kills herself in chapter 3 of the fic and I am planning on killing off her sister and her sisters boyfriend and putting her boyfriend in a coma for a year. My imagination is just a barrel of laughs, isn't it?
But I found this on deviant art when I was just surfing around looking at random stuff.

I thought it was funny. If you do not know where either the characters or the quote is from then you fail and you need to go research either Doctor Who or Avatar The Last Airbender. Or both. It really is a stupid looking hat isn't it? I can fill in the rest of the situation. Toph grabs the hat off his head then Zuko shoots it with fire. I can just see it.
My mind scares the crap out of me sometimes. Somebody called me and my fanfic awesome the other day. I went well thanks random person but see if you can stand to be in the same room with me for an hour and not go crazy because of me and my stupidity. Unless it has been a bad day and I start screaming at you, which might happen. Then you can judge how awesome I am. Before that you don't know crap. but that never leaves this post, its a secret. Nobody can ever know except you , me, my shadow, and my echo. Brenda Lee We Three song reference FTW.
I am also thinking about starting the Percy Jackson series. I have read Harry Potter, some of the Maximum Ride series, even Twilight (gag me) but never Percy Jackson despite many recommendations that I read it. I was going to start on Saturday but when I got to the library to check it out, the first one was out and I absolutely refuse to read a series out of order.
I an just weir that way. So that is about all I can think of for right now besides the fact that I now have the book on hold at the library and will check it out as soon as I get the call.
Peace, love and all that jazz.
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