I just thought of something else too. but I'm just too lazy to edit my other post so I made a new one. I am getting completely and totally harassed by colleges. I hope these people realize that I am now going to college for a couple years and that I have no particular desire to go to your college thanks but yeah that is all.
Peace love and all that Jazz
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
???? and random junk
Hey, I just randomly felt like I had to post something. I just noticed all my titles are like really super boring. I finished Max from the Maximum ride series. Pointless fun fact for ya there.
I don't have any homework today and a science fair project due tomorrow. Whoop de doodle doo. I hate science, it's not like I'm horrible at it or anything, I just cannot stand the structure of it all. It's like you must follow everything exactly as printed it you don't want to die. I don't really feel like dying today thanks but really I like things less structured, more go-with-the-flow stuff.
I wonder why even though I love to lol everything I write turns into drama/cry fest. and I mean everything. My story of undetermined length has turned into a drama fest of dead little girls, friends in forbidden love and engaged to others, leaving home because you find out you are a half-breed human/elf cross, and other fun stuff like that. And my fanfics turn outlike that as well, I mean really her mom kills herself in chapter 3 of the fic and I am planning on killing off her sister and her sisters boyfriend and putting her boyfriend in a coma for a year. My imagination is just a barrel of laughs, isn't it?
But I found this on deviant art when I was just surfing around looking at random stuff.

I thought it was funny. If you do not know where either the characters or the quote is from then you fail and you need to go research either Doctor Who or Avatar The Last Airbender. Or both. It really is a stupid looking hat isn't it? I can fill in the rest of the situation. Toph grabs the hat off his head then Zuko shoots it with fire. I can just see it.
My mind scares the crap out of me sometimes. Somebody called me and my fanfic awesome the other day. I went well thanks random person but see if you can stand to be in the same room with me for an hour and not go crazy because of me and my stupidity. Unless it has been a bad day and I start screaming at you, which might happen. Then you can judge how awesome I am. Before that you don't know crap. but that never leaves this post, its a secret. Nobody can ever know except you , me, my shadow, and my echo. Brenda Lee We Three song reference FTW.
I am also thinking about starting the Percy Jackson series. I have read Harry Potter, some of the Maximum Ride series, even Twilight (gag me) but never Percy Jackson despite many recommendations that I read it. I was going to start on Saturday but when I got to the library to check it out, the first one was out and I absolutely refuse to read a series out of order.
I an just weir that way. So that is about all I can think of for right now besides the fact that I now have the book on hold at the library and will check it out as soon as I get the call.
Peace, love and all that jazz.
I don't have any homework today and a science fair project due tomorrow. Whoop de doodle doo. I hate science, it's not like I'm horrible at it or anything, I just cannot stand the structure of it all. It's like you must follow everything exactly as printed it you don't want to die. I don't really feel like dying today thanks but really I like things less structured, more go-with-the-flow stuff.
I wonder why even though I love to lol everything I write turns into drama/cry fest. and I mean everything. My story of undetermined length has turned into a drama fest of dead little girls, friends in forbidden love and engaged to others, leaving home because you find out you are a half-breed human/elf cross, and other fun stuff like that. And my fanfics turn outlike that as well, I mean really her mom kills herself in chapter 3 of the fic and I am planning on killing off her sister and her sisters boyfriend and putting her boyfriend in a coma for a year. My imagination is just a barrel of laughs, isn't it?
But I found this on deviant art when I was just surfing around looking at random stuff.

I thought it was funny. If you do not know where either the characters or the quote is from then you fail and you need to go research either Doctor Who or Avatar The Last Airbender. Or both. It really is a stupid looking hat isn't it? I can fill in the rest of the situation. Toph grabs the hat off his head then Zuko shoots it with fire. I can just see it.
My mind scares the crap out of me sometimes. Somebody called me and my fanfic awesome the other day. I went well thanks random person but see if you can stand to be in the same room with me for an hour and not go crazy because of me and my stupidity. Unless it has been a bad day and I start screaming at you, which might happen. Then you can judge how awesome I am. Before that you don't know crap. but that never leaves this post, its a secret. Nobody can ever know except you , me, my shadow, and my echo. Brenda Lee We Three song reference FTW.
I am also thinking about starting the Percy Jackson series. I have read Harry Potter, some of the Maximum Ride series, even Twilight (gag me) but never Percy Jackson despite many recommendations that I read it. I was going to start on Saturday but when I got to the library to check it out, the first one was out and I absolutely refuse to read a series out of order.
I an just weir that way. So that is about all I can think of for right now besides the fact that I now have the book on hold at the library and will check it out as soon as I get the call.
Peace, love and all that jazz.
Friday, January 27, 2012
My Week
So I had an absolutely terrible week. First, I let the big, smiley mask I wear over my inner depression and angst break on Monday so my day was horrible for no apparent reason. Then, I had a major mental breakdown on Tuesday after play practice and screamed at my mother, who was only trying to help, and cried all evening. Wednesday, nothing much to report except that I did not make the honor band that I tried out for :( oh well at least I get my Saturday now! Today I had a Spanish presentation that I made an 85 on which I was happy about. I have had on time to breathe this week. Tomorrow I retake my learners permit test for the third time >_> yeah that bad. I really hate my life and my school sometimes. I have come to the conclusion that Spanish teachers are evil. Along with chemistry teachers. I hate chemistry.
Peace love and all that jazz
Peace love and all that jazz
Monday, January 23, 2012
Hey, sup? I should really be doing an essay right now but I really don't feel like it. It has the stupidest prompt ever. "Write about a time that changed your view of yourself or your world" I'm only freaking fifteen, really? Really? you expect me to have a life changing experience, when exactly? while in school? yeah effing right same boring routine every single day. Completely life changing. The closest thing I have is my cousin's wife leaving him, that actually convinced me that there is no love in this world. Disney movie? True love is as real as the shirt I'm wearing. Real life? No such animal, of that I'm convinced. I think there might have been once, like when my grandparents got married 63 years ago, but now people have gotten so stupid that love is like a foreign concept and all they feel is attraction like to screw or whatever and not actually like their personality. I hate that. Oh, perfect example, there is this guy at my church, right, and he asked me out. I turned him down for the simple fact that there is to much damn shit in my life to deal with crap like a boyfriend. He just keeps pestering me. All today he kept at my heels like a freaking puppy. I felt like telling him get the hell away from me you effing stalker, but A) I was in church and B) I'm not my cousin so I don't say things like that. It ended up with him trying to tickle me and making this stupid face that kept making me laugh. God I hate it when that happens. And we have only had about 3 conversations and those where mostly hey hi whats up you know stuff like that. >.<
Okay ranting much? Well yes I am thank you very much. Shut up. My fandoms are disapperating around me. I just finished Avatar: The Last Airbender and Kingdom Hearts needs a new game to keep me interested (looking at you Squarenix along with all the other fangirls/boys we are getting impatient) so KH Dream Drop Distance needs to come out quickly. I am slowly transitioning back into Legend of Zelda though. Starting with Wind Waker. Out of all the games I find that one the most likely to have a Link X Zelda/Tetra relationship since she isn't really a princess in that game. Has anyone noticed that there isn't much fanart for ChronoXMarle? I looked it up and I found like next to nothing, weird right since they like got married in the latest version of Chrono Trigger.
Well Peace love and all that jazz
Okay ranting much? Well yes I am thank you very much. Shut up. My fandoms are disapperating around me. I just finished Avatar: The Last Airbender and Kingdom Hearts needs a new game to keep me interested (looking at you Squarenix along with all the other fangirls/boys we are getting impatient) so KH Dream Drop Distance needs to come out quickly. I am slowly transitioning back into Legend of Zelda though. Starting with Wind Waker. Out of all the games I find that one the most likely to have a Link X Zelda/Tetra relationship since she isn't really a princess in that game. Has anyone noticed that there isn't much fanart for ChronoXMarle? I looked it up and I found like next to nothing, weird right since they like got married in the latest version of Chrono Trigger.
Well Peace love and all that jazz
Saturday, January 21, 2012
First Post!
Howdy! Gack what an awful way to start a blog. Anyhoo I've started this because I have been having a really horrible year I I just want to share. So I'm taking Algebra 2 honors, Chemistry Honors, and Spanish 3, along with band (which I love really, practice just gets annoying) and English Honors. Plus I go to the worst school on the face of the earth, Hog High. (people call it that because of an incident earlier when we got back from Christmas break) I hear people say things like wow this is so hard (concerning math usually) and its a problem just like others on the page but it has a lot of words so they apparently can't solve it. I hate that if you would just read the last sentence it simplifies things so much. (sometimes)
ahh! I'm rambling wait what just happened? it like freaked and posted all on it's own What? Golly this thing hates me. first it wouldn't let me create now this. and exactly what time period am I FROM I MEAN GOLLY REALLY WHO SAYS THAT?
Random quote! 90% of America would be sad if Justin Beiber jumped off a roof and died, the other 10% would be standing at the bottom with a camera yelling "DO A BACKFLIP!"
I also have a fanfiction page if you want to check that out. You can point and laugh at all my nerdiness! Only of you like Kingdom Hearts though I don't have anything else :) It is Zarina3908
There is also a youtube channel that I will eventually do something with . . . maybe. also zarina3908 hey it's just easier to remember that way! and no Zarina is not my real name.
Peace love and all that jazz
ahh! I'm rambling wait what just happened? it like freaked and posted all on it's own What? Golly this thing hates me. first it wouldn't let me create now this. and exactly what time period am I FROM I MEAN GOLLY REALLY WHO SAYS THAT?
Random quote! 90% of America would be sad if Justin Beiber jumped off a roof and died, the other 10% would be standing at the bottom with a camera yelling "DO A BACKFLIP!"
I also have a fanfiction page if you want to check that out. You can point and laugh at all my nerdiness! Only of you like Kingdom Hearts though I don't have anything else :) It is Zarina3908
There is also a youtube channel that I will eventually do something with . . . maybe. also zarina3908 hey it's just easier to remember that way! and no Zarina is not my real name.
Peace love and all that jazz
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