My version of Microsoft Word. It won't let me put both a header and a page number, it's one or the other. Well my college professor insists upon both. I need to talk to her but we don't meet again until Tuesday. Aah, this college schedule is a big, fat pain in the ass.
Gakuen Alice/Alice Academy; the manga, I haven't watched the anime yet. Natsume is amazing, he is slowly being killed by his power, or Alice. He is being used as a spy for the school he goes to. He is slowly falling in love with the main character, Mikan. He criticized his BFF, Luca/Ruca, about his taste in women, even though they like the same person. I thought that it was funny. He also just kissed Mikan. On the lips. It was freaking adorable. It weirded me out though since he's only 11 and she's still 10 (I think). Not the different ages, the ages themselves. But I guess Raz and Lili aren't any better.
Manga, right now Soul Eater. It hasn't come out yet this month, and I thought it was published monthly. And what is up with the knockoff English version? It's like someone looked up the general description without a picture and read the dialog and decided to draw their own f-ed up version. THe hell?
My Real Fucking Name, IT HAS NO K IN IT. It is not that hard guys.
Peace love and all that jazz
Friday, August 31, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Pulled Over for no Reason
I was not-so-happily going down a dirt road when the bright red truck behind me suddenly decides to become a police car, puts his lights on, and pulls me over.
There was no posted speed limit and there were obstacles obstucting my path of travel so even if I had gone the speed limit it would have been dangerous.
Put simply, I had no f-ing clue why he was pulling me over.
He got out of the car and came over to my window. He asked us what we were doing.
We said that we were doing my driving pratice, which we were, and it had told us to go on many differeny types of road surfaces, which it had.
He informed us that there had been burgularies in the area and wanted to know why we were down there.
Uh-hu suuuuuuurrreeee. Whatever.
So I've already finished the "Haruhi Suzumiya" anime and Kyon (the guy I was talking about in some post) only got better. The anime was great, even though it was a bit weird and my fave pairing, that had so much obvious foreshadowing it physcally hurt, didn't get together. There were also a bunch of loose ends that kind of needed tying up. I heard there was going to be a third season, but I also saw that the title character's actress was fired, so . . . possibly the ends will get tyed up. There is a series of light novels that I kind of want to read now because it goes beyond the anime, even though my pairing still has yet to get together. *heavy dramatic sigh*
So animes I would REALLY not suggest:
Please Teacher (student teacher romance need I say more? Yes? The teacher is half alien and the guy is 18, looks about 12, acts way too mature for a guy of any age and is subject to weird fainting
spells where his body stops all growth and freezes him at whatever age he is)
Rosario + Vampire (blatent fanservice. The girl has more upskirts just standing there like a bimbo than Maka when she is flipping around, running and fighting with a fucking scyth.)
And that's about it.
peace love and all that jazz
There was no posted speed limit and there were obstacles obstucting my path of travel so even if I had gone the speed limit it would have been dangerous.
Put simply, I had no f-ing clue why he was pulling me over.
He got out of the car and came over to my window. He asked us what we were doing.
We said that we were doing my driving pratice, which we were, and it had told us to go on many differeny types of road surfaces, which it had.
He informed us that there had been burgularies in the area and wanted to know why we were down there.
Uh-hu suuuuuuurrreeee. Whatever.
So I've already finished the "Haruhi Suzumiya" anime and Kyon (the guy I was talking about in some post) only got better. The anime was great, even though it was a bit weird and my fave pairing, that had so much obvious foreshadowing it physcally hurt, didn't get together. There were also a bunch of loose ends that kind of needed tying up. I heard there was going to be a third season, but I also saw that the title character's actress was fired, so . . . possibly the ends will get tyed up. There is a series of light novels that I kind of want to read now because it goes beyond the anime, even though my pairing still has yet to get together. *heavy dramatic sigh*
So animes I would REALLY not suggest:
Please Teacher (student teacher romance need I say more? Yes? The teacher is half alien and the guy is 18, looks about 12, acts way too mature for a guy of any age and is subject to weird fainting
spells where his body stops all growth and freezes him at whatever age he is)
Rosario + Vampire (blatent fanservice. The girl has more upskirts just standing there like a bimbo than Maka when she is flipping around, running and fighting with a fucking scyth.)
And that's about it.
peace love and all that jazz
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
So I recently found an anime called "Melancholys of Haruhi Suzumiya" and the male protaginist is amazing. He is the most scarcastic guy in any anime ever!
I can't even spell his name, but he's great. You must watch this anime!
Peace love and all that jazz
I can't even spell his name, but he's great. You must watch this anime!
Peace love and all that jazz
Monday, August 20, 2012
Ok, srsly? I am watching Naruto (shocker!) and got to the episode where Sakura actually does something useful. At the end of the episode Sasuke wakes up semi-possessed. Is it just me of does he look like that one guy from Doctor Who that gets possessed by the devil? I believe the episode was called "The Impossible Planet" and was about this group of people who are on a planet that is orbiting a black hole. It's revealed that the planet has the devil inside of it and one of the men on the expedition gets possessed. They both have little runes all over his skin and red eyes.
Like so.
Similar, no?
Well aside from the face that Saskue is black-haired and dude-man is blond.
I've been putting a lot of pictures in my posts lately, haven't I?
Peace love and all that jazz
Sunday, August 19, 2012
You know you're a nerd if . . .
you know the correct pronunciation of "hyperbole" is "hyper-bow-lee" and it get on your nerves when people say it "hyper-bowl."
Peace love and all that jazz
I haven't done one of these in sooooooooooooo long.
Peace love and all that jazz
I haven't done one of these in sooooooooooooo long.
American Sewing Guild Convention
I went to the ASG convention. This time it was the correct weekend. We had a lecture that the teacher could barely get through because people kept interrupting her. Quiet annoying.
I started "The Shining" it can be described in groups of three words.
Creepy little kid.
Horny ass dude.
Weird, freaky hotel.
Annoying worrywart mother.
Freaking crazy drunk.
I hate this book so much. Every character in it annoys me. It makes me physically ill to read it. I get a stomach ache. Even though I dislike it, I'd probably reccomend it, but not if you dislike having a lot of the f-word.
The hotel we were staying at smelled awful. They must use some kind of expensive, annoying perfume in the vent systems. IT WAS AWFUL!!! The car smelled on the way home and made me sick to my stomach. Today was the best day.
We got to play with paint and dye and glitter and it was so fun. I made so many little pretty things. One looked like a sunset, I was trying for a roaring, all-consuming fire, but I didn't have enough paint. I put a light gold shimmer on it and it looks really good.
We hand-dyes silk and that was fun. I made a really pretty sea-like scene with green, turquoise and teal that I mixed from the two of them. It was a special technique that made the dye run in little lines and I had the best kind in the whole class. Hyperbole!
Even my dog was admired. I don't mean that I had a dog painted or in class. It was the "cleaner" that just used up all the excess paint. I dislike it, but whatever.
The fashion show was painful to watch. There wasn't much I liked and the commentary was very fucked up.
It was fun, despite all the complaining I've done above. I'm just moody because I'm on my period and the cramps are awful.
I have discovered why hotels have those pillows that sink down to the sane level as the bed and you have to use about five of them to get a decent, normal-sized place to put your head. It's to get you to spend money at their spa getting a massage.
I hate those pillows.
It's quite weird to be reading about a creepy hotel while in a hotel.
This inhuman place makes human monsters. This is a really cool quote from "The Shining." "Human monsters" would be a really cool book title. Or fanfiction title. One of the two.
Peace love and all that jazz
I started "The Shining" it can be described in groups of three words.
Creepy little kid.
Horny ass dude.
Weird, freaky hotel.
Annoying worrywart mother.
Freaking crazy drunk.
I hate this book so much. Every character in it annoys me. It makes me physically ill to read it. I get a stomach ache. Even though I dislike it, I'd probably reccomend it, but not if you dislike having a lot of the f-word.
The hotel we were staying at smelled awful. They must use some kind of expensive, annoying perfume in the vent systems. IT WAS AWFUL!!! The car smelled on the way home and made me sick to my stomach. Today was the best day.
We got to play with paint and dye and glitter and it was so fun. I made so many little pretty things. One looked like a sunset, I was trying for a roaring, all-consuming fire, but I didn't have enough paint. I put a light gold shimmer on it and it looks really good.
We hand-dyes silk and that was fun. I made a really pretty sea-like scene with green, turquoise and teal that I mixed from the two of them. It was a special technique that made the dye run in little lines and I had the best kind in the whole class. Hyperbole!
Even my dog was admired. I don't mean that I had a dog painted or in class. It was the "cleaner" that just used up all the excess paint. I dislike it, but whatever.
The fashion show was painful to watch. There wasn't much I liked and the commentary was very fucked up.
It was fun, despite all the complaining I've done above. I'm just moody because I'm on my period and the cramps are awful.
I have discovered why hotels have those pillows that sink down to the sane level as the bed and you have to use about five of them to get a decent, normal-sized place to put your head. It's to get you to spend money at their spa getting a massage.
I hate those pillows.
It's quite weird to be reading about a creepy hotel while in a hotel.
This inhuman place makes human monsters. This is a really cool quote from "The Shining." "Human monsters" would be a really cool book title. Or fanfiction title. One of the two.
Peace love and all that jazz
Thursday, August 16, 2012
I Feel Really Bad
Mom says I have to skip band pratice tomorrow. That sucks, they might do improtant shit that I need to know.
So I might have mentioned the Korean manga Noblesse I have been obsessed with it for quite some time. It's really long.
I have to redo ALL of the lessons to get my driver's lisence. I did the wrong lesson, not my fault. The website is fucking confusing. I was pissed to hell when I found out. I felt like an anime character when they have a dark aura around them. It was quite frustrating, especially considering that I had just come from a rather annoying band pratice where I could not get the asteriod/commet move down. (Don't ask about the name.)
I have also found that the cover of our marching show looks like Terra and Gaia colliding in FF9.
marching cover
So I might have mentioned the Korean manga Noblesse I have been obsessed with it for quite some time. It's really long.
I have to redo ALL of the lessons to get my driver's lisence. I did the wrong lesson, not my fault. The website is fucking confusing. I was pissed to hell when I found out. I felt like an anime character when they have a dark aura around them. It was quite frustrating, especially considering that I had just come from a rather annoying band pratice where I could not get the asteriod/commet move down. (Don't ask about the name.)
I have also found that the cover of our marching show looks like Terra and Gaia colliding in FF9.
marching cover

Final Fantasy 9 Terra/Gaia
Similar, no?
Mr. Composer dude went to the college I want to go to. Just a fun fact.
Peace love and all that jazz
Sakura finally did something! I'm so proud of her. Even Sasuke was starting to notice how useless she was.
Well it's true that all she did was punch Naruto in the face, but she did send him flying into a wall. This proves she can do . . . things, but not in an actual fight,
Peace love and all that jazz
Well it's true that all she did was punch Naruto in the face, but she did send him flying into a wall. This proves she can do . . . things, but not in an actual fight,
Peace love and all that jazz
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Aren't you supposed to be at band pratice right now?
Yes, indeed I am, but instead I'm sitting on my bed watching Naruto, House of Mouse and Winx Club. Yes, weird combonation of shows, I know.
But I feel like complete and totoal shit right now. I feel really bad, but when by the time I went and got out my trumpet and stuff, I just felt like I was gonna puke. I also have a headache and it sucks a big one.
On Naruto, the only character I really like right now is Kakashi. He is totally unimpressed by EVERYTHING, Naruto himsself is annoying, annoying, annoying, Sakura is an utterly useless girl seemingly existing soley to be a love intrest for . . . someone. But since she hates the guy who likes her and the guy she likes is almost as annoyed by as I am, she kinda fails in the love intrest category as well. Sasuke I just . . . don't . . . really . . . like very much. I don't know why.
On Winx Club, there are some weird plot holes. Like how is Bloom named the same thing by her real family and her adopted family? Did her blanket have her name stiched on it? Is it one of those magical, mystical things where 'oh she looks like this should be her name' or some shit like that? Or did her dead sister give her adoptive parents a vision in their dreams telling them what to name her?
And when the hell did Daphne become Bloom's sister? In the first season she was just a mystical figure that helped Bloom out, in the second season she wasn't mentioned, in the third season she wasn't mentioned, in the first movie she suddenly became Bloom's sister. Huh? Perhaps t'was just a translation thing.
Whatever, maybe I'm feeling horrible because of the lack of sleep last night. I could not fall asleep for the life of me. I finally went to bed around 5 am and probably tossed and turned until about 5:30 or 6 o'clock. I slept till almost noon though.
Peace love and all that jazz
But I feel like complete and totoal shit right now. I feel really bad, but when by the time I went and got out my trumpet and stuff, I just felt like I was gonna puke. I also have a headache and it sucks a big one.
On Naruto, the only character I really like right now is Kakashi. He is totally unimpressed by EVERYTHING, Naruto himsself is annoying, annoying, annoying, Sakura is an utterly useless girl seemingly existing soley to be a love intrest for . . . someone. But since she hates the guy who likes her and the guy she likes is almost as annoyed by as I am, she kinda fails in the love intrest category as well. Sasuke I just . . . don't . . . really . . . like very much. I don't know why.
On Winx Club, there are some weird plot holes. Like how is Bloom named the same thing by her real family and her adopted family? Did her blanket have her name stiched on it? Is it one of those magical, mystical things where 'oh she looks like this should be her name' or some shit like that? Or did her dead sister give her adoptive parents a vision in their dreams telling them what to name her?
And when the hell did Daphne become Bloom's sister? In the first season she was just a mystical figure that helped Bloom out, in the second season she wasn't mentioned, in the third season she wasn't mentioned, in the first movie she suddenly became Bloom's sister. Huh? Perhaps t'was just a translation thing.
Whatever, maybe I'm feeling horrible because of the lack of sleep last night. I could not fall asleep for the life of me. I finally went to bed around 5 am and probably tossed and turned until about 5:30 or 6 o'clock. I slept till almost noon though.
Peace love and all that jazz
Monday, August 13, 2012
Fuck my compter
My computer has randomly decided to shut down like a little bitch. I don't know why but it likes to just shut down at random times, technicaly it reboots to "install updated" but I suspect that it just want to piss me the fuck off. This is not the first time, but it was the most annoying time. My computer just dosen't understand that I do improtant things, like watching anime or reading manga or watching Disney cartoons or reading fanfiction. It doesn't understand!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Goofy's Wife
Recently I've been watching old Disney cartoons. Some of these are cartoons where Goofy has a son. I get very curoius as to where, exactly, this son came from. So I did some research.
I found several interesting things out.
1) Apperently in some of the old Goofy shorts there was an unamed, faceless wife character for Goofy.
2) It is commonly accepted that Goofy's wife died. (this seems singularly unDisney but whatever)
3) I heard someone say that they saw an episode of the TV show Goof Troop where they explained that she went to the mall and died in a car crash. (Still very unDisney)
4) Many believe that her name was either Penny or Glorybee, even though canon has nothing to say about her name.
I'm curious about this now. Any thoughts?
Peace love and all that jazz
I found several interesting things out.
1) Apperently in some of the old Goofy shorts there was an unamed, faceless wife character for Goofy.
2) It is commonly accepted that Goofy's wife died. (this seems singularly unDisney but whatever)
3) I heard someone say that they saw an episode of the TV show Goof Troop where they explained that she went to the mall and died in a car crash. (Still very unDisney)
4) Many believe that her name was either Penny or Glorybee, even though canon has nothing to say about her name.
I'm curious about this now. Any thoughts?
Peace love and all that jazz
You're not alone
This is an amazing song. I absolutly love it to death. It is called You Are Not Alone.
The best song in Final Fantasy IX.
Peace love and all that Jazz
Monday, August 6, 2012
I just broke my computer yall
I think I just destroyed the delete key. It's sticking up funny.
I was trying to get a bead out from under the key so I just pulled on it and totally fucked it up.
Yes I did, in fact, spill beads all over my computer's keyboard. And all over my bed.
Peace love and all that jazz
I was trying to get a bead out from under the key so I just pulled on it and totally fucked it up.
Yes I did, in fact, spill beads all over my computer's keyboard. And all over my bed.
Peace love and all that jazz
What the hell are they thinking? I can't go on a fucking vacation for a week, I would miss sets and probably loose my marching place! Why are you deciding to do this now? If we were going to go on a family vacation, it should have been a LLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG time ago when band was not in session.
Why are you doing this to me? I wanna go to Costa Rica too, but I can't leave now! I can't just skip pratice for a whole fucking week.
I really don't want to live with my granparents for a week either. I love them, but living with my grandmother gets on my nerves. She always asks me personal things. If I have annybody I like, and when I say no, she asks me if I like girls. She always comments on what I'm wearing and she's not trying to be rude, but it can be offending.
eah;outrg;iuhjakghnqeuifbndwiea;jdlnhgwiaihgfnwrbtoewsa;jfgbetnapbhngabpnfdmjvugbpnfv[oapnbskhnbspvjjnfgmovhbobjgnwjmnbiejvtgrwjmnpfnmvgrmgihurewg5be3purgt puhugfvbt4qpinegte jvfgtaejmniws\ae ;jbf;adotbgeiwhufvgsa;itj;elfte;hnpijgte;orifa[niorehtp43ungsa;eroagaw[eroigfvntspubeoa[9wewo4hq321`h0irghiufrva.nfsdvc//aoinfgvj;fsd.kvlnajfd
Why are you doing this to me? I wanna go to Costa Rica too, but I can't leave now! I can't just skip pratice for a whole fucking week.
I really don't want to live with my granparents for a week either. I love them, but living with my grandmother gets on my nerves. She always asks me personal things. If I have annybody I like, and when I say no, she asks me if I like girls. She always comments on what I'm wearing and she's not trying to be rude, but it can be offending.
eah;outrg;iuhjakghnqeuifbndwiea;jdlnhgwiaihgfnwrbtoewsa;jfgbetnapbhngabpnfdmjvugbpnfv[oapnbskhnbspvjjnfgmovhbobjgnwjmnbiejvtgrwjmnpfnmvgrmgihurewg5be3purgt puhugfvbt4qpinegte jvfgtaejmniws\ae ;jbf;adotbgeiwhufvgsa;itj;elfte;hnpijgte;orifa[niorehtp43ungsa;eroagaw[eroigfvntspubeoa[9wewo4hq321`h0irghiufrva.nfsdvc//aoinfgvj;fsd.kvlnajfd
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Game classes
If you know me you probably know that I like videogames. If you don't know me, well, I like videogames. I recently watched HCBaily's lp of FF IX and it got me thinking of the kind of job classes I like in games.
Job classes are things like thief, knight, dragoon, and white/black mage or summoner. I like the games where the classes are restricted. I know what you're thinking (because I'm psychic like that) and you are thinking "oh restricted = bad thing" because that is how our cluture works. It's not. Restricted job classes are where the character can only learn job-specific abilities. For example: a white mage can only learn cure, holy, and "pure" magic like that instead of being able to learn bio, fire, thunder, ice and other black magic. I really like when those jobs are incoporated into the story of the game, FF IX did a very good job of that. The main character is a thief job class and he is in a theif guild. Games like FF VIII do not have job-specific abilities. You could very easily teach your knight, thief, white mage, red mage, black mage, dragoon, monk, and blue mage all magic, abilites and just completly break the game's difficulty level to pieces. I hate that.
Chrono Trigger is the one exception. It has almost everybody learn some kind of black magic. Your four main characters all learn black magic, but in a very unique way. Each character has a specific element that they learn black magic for. They also get job-specific abilities. Like the white mage of the game also has an ice elemental attack and other characters get "white magic" which is actually just curative ablities, whatever. They did a good job with giving your main party each some type of elemental magic without breaking the game and giving everybody everything. I like Chrono Trigger.
Red mages are also exceptions. They are a class that is built non-job-specific and that it their job class. Red mages attack with a sword like a knight class, and learn both black and white magic. Their entire class is like that, so they are excused from all my dislike of non-job-specific because that is the point of the job class.
Of course this only applies to RPGs, never to platformers. Platformers don't have a party so they just get everything and are excused.
Peace love and all that jazz
Job classes are things like thief, knight, dragoon, and white/black mage or summoner. I like the games where the classes are restricted. I know what you're thinking (because I'm psychic like that) and you are thinking "oh restricted = bad thing" because that is how our cluture works. It's not. Restricted job classes are where the character can only learn job-specific abilities. For example: a white mage can only learn cure, holy, and "pure" magic like that instead of being able to learn bio, fire, thunder, ice and other black magic. I really like when those jobs are incoporated into the story of the game, FF IX did a very good job of that. The main character is a thief job class and he is in a theif guild. Games like FF VIII do not have job-specific abilities. You could very easily teach your knight, thief, white mage, red mage, black mage, dragoon, monk, and blue mage all magic, abilites and just completly break the game's difficulty level to pieces. I hate that.
Chrono Trigger is the one exception. It has almost everybody learn some kind of black magic. Your four main characters all learn black magic, but in a very unique way. Each character has a specific element that they learn black magic for. They also get job-specific abilities. Like the white mage of the game also has an ice elemental attack and other characters get "white magic" which is actually just curative ablities, whatever. They did a good job with giving your main party each some type of elemental magic without breaking the game and giving everybody everything. I like Chrono Trigger.
Red mages are also exceptions. They are a class that is built non-job-specific and that it their job class. Red mages attack with a sword like a knight class, and learn both black and white magic. Their entire class is like that, so they are excused from all my dislike of non-job-specific because that is the point of the job class.
Of course this only applies to RPGs, never to platformers. Platformers don't have a party so they just get everything and are excused.
Peace love and all that jazz
Saturday, August 4, 2012
shots and pizza
SO I had to get a shot today. -.- It sucks, the stupid thing still hurts. I got the shot at 2:35 and it is now 9:08. And we waited thrity-five munites for a shot that took all of ten seconds. But I guess I would rather have a shot and have my arm hurt than have Meningitus (sp?). That's some nasty shit right there. I causes amnesia, deafness, paralysis, mental retardation, loss of limb and death. Like I said nasty shit.
I won't be able to hold my trumpet. -_____- To quote Sylvia, "shit, piss, fuck." At least I have the weekend to recover. =3=
I found a new anime series. It's great. It's called Elemental Gelade. With a pompus name like that you wouldn't expect it to be funny as hell would you? Well it is.
We ordered a pizza today. I have a somewhat humorous story about that.
So my dad ordered the pizza. When the delivery guy got here, he ran his car off of our driveway and somehow got himself stuck. After my dad freed him from the driveway monster, he gave us the pizza and drove away. When we opened the box, it was somebody else's pizza. Dad called Pizza Hut and the phone rang and rang and rang and nobody answered. So he retryed the number and the same thing happened, he called a third time and somebody finally picked up only to immedatly place him on hold. He finally just went down to the Pizza Hut and took it back in person. We finally got the correct order and it's tough as a boot.
I didn't do a very good job at telling the story, but there it is.
Peace love and all that jazz
I won't be able to hold my trumpet. -_____- To quote Sylvia, "shit, piss, fuck." At least I have the weekend to recover. =3=
I found a new anime series. It's great. It's called Elemental Gelade. With a pompus name like that you wouldn't expect it to be funny as hell would you? Well it is.
We ordered a pizza today. I have a somewhat humorous story about that.
So my dad ordered the pizza. When the delivery guy got here, he ran his car off of our driveway and somehow got himself stuck. After my dad freed him from the driveway monster, he gave us the pizza and drove away. When we opened the box, it was somebody else's pizza. Dad called Pizza Hut and the phone rang and rang and rang and nobody answered. So he retryed the number and the same thing happened, he called a third time and somebody finally picked up only to immedatly place him on hold. He finally just went down to the Pizza Hut and took it back in person. We finally got the correct order and it's tough as a boot.
I didn't do a very good job at telling the story, but there it is.
Peace love and all that jazz
Panther + Platypus = Cougar
Monkey Girl and I were musing about our school at band yesterday. She told me that our school used to be two schools and then merged and that one of the schools' mascots used to be the Panther.
We were trying to figure out what the other schools' mascot could have been. She said the Wombat. I told her it was probably the Platypus. She started laughing at me.
In other news, Monkey Girl has started watching Soul Eater. I HAVE SUCCEEDED IN TURNING HER TO THE DARK SIDE, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, ahem. She said today that she thought Black Star was annoying. I looked at her and told her "Duh!" She told me that she was on the episode where they first meet Stien.
I told her to read the manga. She said that she couldn't because she couldn't get it. -___- I told her if she could get to a computer to watch the anime she could get to a computer to read the manga.
She had a funny story about her trying to watch Soul Eater. She was watching the episode (it might be the first one) where they are trying to get Blair. It was the part where she was in the bathtub and some dude walked up behind her and started looking over her shoulder. He got a o.O face.
Peace love and all that jazz
We were trying to figure out what the other schools' mascot could have been. She said the Wombat. I told her it was probably the Platypus. She started laughing at me.
In other news, Monkey Girl has started watching Soul Eater. I HAVE SUCCEEDED IN TURNING HER TO THE DARK SIDE, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, ahem. She said today that she thought Black Star was annoying. I looked at her and told her "Duh!" She told me that she was on the episode where they first meet Stien.
I told her to read the manga. She said that she couldn't because she couldn't get it. -___- I told her if she could get to a computer to watch the anime she could get to a computer to read the manga.
She had a funny story about her trying to watch Soul Eater. She was watching the episode (it might be the first one) where they are trying to get Blair. It was the part where she was in the bathtub and some dude walked up behind her and started looking over her shoulder. He got a o.O face.
Peace love and all that jazz
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Oh the things we think people say in songs
I think how we can interpret words in songs is pretty damn funny. For example: there is an Elton John song called "Benny and the Jets" there is one lyric in that song that can make you go o.O if you misunderstand it. The line is as follows "she's got electric boots, a mohair suit" it can sound like electric boobs if you aren't paying attention. Today while I was sewing I was listening to music and the song Glamorous came on. My mother came in while this song was playing and heard the word glamorous in the song as platypus. *facedesk*
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